
Meth Withdrawal: Symptoms, Coping Tips, And Duration

Why is addiction dangerous for your body?

While most people will say because of its harmful effects on the body. But, there is another side of addiction as well – It is not willing to stop doing the same activity repetitively.

When people suffer from addiction, they tend to depend on the addictive substance for normal functioning. So, when they try to stop their addictive behavior, they experience withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms might vary depending on how severe and mild addiction is. The withdrawal symptoms might include physical fatigue, cravings, depression, anxiety, and much more.

While the physical symptoms can go away, the psychological symptoms can last longer.

What Is Meth?


Meth is the short name used for Methamphetamine. It is a drug that is white in color with a bitter taste and no odor.

It is one of the most used drugs among addicts. It is a highly addictive substance that directly affects your central nervous system.

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the effect of Meth starts and dissipates faster than any other drug. This makes users take more and more to reach the HIGH state.

Meth is a schedule II drug. This makes it a drug that is available through prescription only. And it is non-refuelable because of its addictive properties.

What Is Meth Withdrawal?

Over prolonged exposure to Meth, your brain’s reward system is rewired. Now your brain needs a regular dose of Meth to function properly.

Now, when your body becomes dependent on Meth, and you try to stop using it, your body experiences Withdrawal.

Meth withdrawal is the process in which your body tries to readjust with the normal body operation without the Mth being present in your system.

When a person goes through Meth withdrawal, they go through an exhaustive and depressive state. This phase is the most challenging part of the recovery treatment. Unfortunately, most people break down in this phase and relapse.

However, you must understand that relapse and experiencing Meth withdrawal is part of treatment. To ensure that you get the right treatment, visit

Meth Withdrawal: Sign & Symptoms

The experience of Meth withdrawal is different for different individuals. But, certain symptoms stand common.

1. Fatigue


When people are on Meth, they feel hyperactive, and it often happens that they go days without sleeping. But during the Meth withdrawal, they experience the exact opposite.

Especially during the first week of the Meth withdrawal, people tend to become sloth – inactive, tired and sleepy.

2. Cravings

Most people withdrawing from Meth experience the desire to take more Meth. This is perhaps because the body wants the substance to function normally.

When someone has been on Meth for a long time, the body gets accustomed to having Meth in its system to function normally. However, during the recovery, the patient is isolated from Meth, which makes them manifest the strong desire to consume Meth.

3. Depression


Meth withdrawal is also followed by a low, flat, and depressed mood. The depression is because of not getting their daily dose of Meth. Although for some people, depression lasts for 2 – 3 weeks, for some, it can last longer than a month.

4. Psychosis

Psychosis is yet another symptom that is quite common for people suffering from Meth withdrawal. It primarily consists of hallucinations. People hallucinate by seeing, feeling, and hearing things that are actually not there.

Some people even become delusional. They come up with ideas that, according to them, are effective. But in reality, the ideas are just a waste of time.

5. Increased Appetite


When people are on Meth addiction, they simply ignore food and find opportunities to feed their addiction. However, when they are going through Meth withdrawal, that habit changes. They show a strong craving for food, especially carbohydrates.

Coping And Relief

Meth withdrawal is difficult to handle. Even if you have been exposed to Meth for a short period of time, the addiction can grow deep roots. However, if you can follow these coping tips, you might find yourself in a better position.

Keep Stress In Check


Managing your stress is important. Remember, it is this stress that makes a Meth addict. So, once you start a sober life, you wouldn’t want to go back to your old self. So, when you feel like that stress is coming on to you, use the coping skills to handle them properly.

The coping skills might include:

  • Practice yoga every day to strengthen your mind.
  • Take a deep breath and calm your nerves.
  • Listening to soothing music.
  • Talk with your friends and family members.

Avoid Triggers

While you are recovering from any kind of addiction, things that remain constant are relapses and triggers. Without them, you might even say that your recovery is incomplete.

After completing the inpatients’ recovery program and entering society again, you might be welcomed by triggers and relapses. You need to do everything in your power to avoid triggers and relapses.

Find Healthy Distractions


The best way to avoid Meth withdrawal is to engage yourself in healthy habits. Now, these healthy habits can be anything.

  • Going for a walk.
  • Taking part in sports.
  • Running.
  • Swimming.
  • Yoga.
  • Weight training.
  • Read books.

There are so many healthy habits and hobbies you can add to your sober life. Do something no matter what. The goal here is to keep yourself busy.

Duration & Severity


It is really hard to tell how long Meth Withdrawal will last. There are many factors that determine the recovery phase. For some, it can take a couple of days, while for some months.

Research shows that meth withdrawal can be divided into two phases. The first phase is the most intense and lasts for 24 hours to 48 hours.

Once this phase is over, the patients enter the second phase. This phase can last for weeks or months, depending on the patient.

The Bottom Line

Meth addiction is not only harmful to the user but also impacts the whole family. So, it is important to deal with it as soon as Meth withdrawal surfaces. The best way to deal with such a situation is to seek help from professionals.

While Meth Withdrawal is difficult, you must never lose hope. Remember, it is treatable, and recovery is possible.

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