11 Ways To Relieve Spiritual And Psychic Burnout

Are you feeling like you are DONE and just want to go home? There are several reasons spiritual burnout is occurring right now. Energetically, we have received many waves of energy that are wiping out all that does not serve us. As we shift timelines and frequencies, we may feel a disconnect from our bodies. Now is the time to make the changes necessary to adapt to the new energies and to learn how to take better care of ourselves.
There are many reasons for spiritual burnout. First of all, we are ascending! Our DNA is changing, our cells are morphing, and our vibrational level and consciousness are rising. Whether we realize it or not, these changes started many years ago at a slower pace in order to help us get used to change. We have reached an acceleration now and anything that has not been addressed or cleared is coming up for our attention.
Energetically, we are receiving energy from the Cosmos because of the rare galactic alignment with the Earth and Alcyone to the center of the Cosmos. We may be temporarily disconnected from our bodies, like one of those Stretch Armstrong dolls. We need to spring back into form and to get fully centered and grounded once again.
Next, there have been a lot of low-level frequencies bombarding the planet through extraterrestrial technology. In concert with the food and water additives that respond to ELF’s and the collective stress that everyone on the planet is feeling, it has been hard to shake the feelings of despair, anger, and frustration. In a way, some of us needed to experience that so we could transmute those feelings for the collective. But we are now moving beyond that role and are focusing on the self, which is the best way to help the collective at this time.
Finally, many of us have been in service to our fellow awakened friends by tirelessly healing, clearing, and informing them. We have been doing the work for them and have given and given until we have almost nothing left to give. We are now finding ourselves depleted as we needed the energy to deal with the energetic shifts. It is now time to regenerate our energy and to change the way we help people. In my job as a holistic life coach, I rarely have repeat clients and it’s not because I’m not good at what I do. I strive to help people empower themselves and to remember who they are to where they don’t really need anyone else.
From here on out, we should be empowering people to find the answers within themselves. For too long, others have continued to look outside of themselves for the answers they seek, through psychics, mediums, seers, and writers. The message we get when we are in burnout is ENOUGH serving at the moment. I have actually stopped doing some of my interviews as I put myself back together again, and I can feel the difference in the “new me” that will match the new information that I am now able to tap into. If I had not taken the time for myself and instead pushed my weekly show out just to keep the ball rolling, I might have experienced some burnout.
Now that we know how we get burnout, here are 11 ways you can turn things back around for yourself.
Get professional help from a life coach, spiritual counselor, QHHT practitioner or a similar energetic healer to strengthen your connection to Source. This is an infinite amount of energy and is available when the intentions and use are in the highest and best good for all. Once you are feeling better, finish the job yourself by healing your body and raising your consciousness.
1. Get out of your head and into your heart.

The monkey mind only confuses things. The NOW moment is in the heart. Strive to be in the heart in your waking meditation more than not.
2. Be willing to let go of materialism and programming.

This includes many of the tools and methods that you used in the past to clear and heal others. Realize when you are being over-controlling of your future instead of allowing things to unfold from the vibrational guidance of your higher self. Recognize the self destructive programming from the past and treat yourself best first so that you can then better help others.
3. Reduce the amount of time on the internet and in front of the tv unless it is highly positively focused.

As you raise above the astral realm frequency, the technology being beamed at you will affect you less and less as long as you are not drawn down by low vibrational topics and heated discussions.
4. Get out in nature.
This cannot be stressed enough. We need to at least vibrate at Earth’s rising frequency, if not higher.
5. Take a sea salt and baking soda bath.

Negative entities and thought forms hate salt. Send love to your bath water and the water in your body. Talk to your body and organs frequently and tell them that everything is going to be ok. They may have been freaking out with the recent energy spikes.
6. Ask for help from your team.
Your guides can slow things down a bit to help you assimilate the energies better. Most of all, ask your team to help you help yourself instead of relying on them to do things for you. When you learn how to do this you can then teach it to others.
7. Reduce stress and let go of baggage.

Learn to recognize when material things and people are triggering you. Learn to let it flow in and out of you rather than reacting in the way that you were programmed. Eventually, in a way you will tend to “lose your mind” and just begin to laugh at the absurdity around you. That’s okay, because laughing will raise your vibration. Make the changes you need to be stress and anxiety free.
8. Say no to people who want you to give them all of the answers.

Without turning your back on people, learn how to give them precise answers that make them think for themselves. We may be disempowering people by giving them the answers all of the time. It’s time for people to step up themselves in the essence of who they are. This new energy is instead served by giving them the initial boost of vibrational healing and providing confirmation for them in the messages they receive. Then focus on teaching them how to finish healing themselves and how to connect with their higher self. We cannot do that for them., and their commitment to do this is imperative at this time. Learn how to adapt your teachings to what people need now, not what they needed one, five, or ten years ago.
9. Re-asses your living situation- location, job, relationships, and the energy that you live in.
Many of us have already done this, however it may be an ongoing thing as you continue to raise your frequency.
10. Love yourself and forgive yourself.

You may have slipped several times over the last year by snapping back at someone or losing your cool. Although that energy had to be moved through you, we don’t want to push it on other people. Forgive yourself and forgive those who pushed you to the edge. Promise yourself that you will do better next time.
11. Raise your vibration.

If you are in burn out, you have lowered your frequency a bit. Perhaps you didn’t realize how much your environment and the people around you have affected you. Do things you love and BE love. Treat others well and be responsible for your own actions and words. Ask yourself what it is going to take to raise your frequency above the matrix to where you are an observer. Be in the world watching, but no longer match the frequency around you. Laugh your ass off it that is what it takes.
I am here to tell you that no matter what things are going to work out. There will be a time where we look back and see why things happened the way they did. We are never alone and we have much help that we may not realize at this time. We must learn to take care of ourselves and to stop allowing people to steal our energy. It is time for everyone who is awakened to let go of crutches and braces and to begin to RUN FOREST, RUN!!!