
Navy Admiral Oversaw 29 Spies in Nazi Germany & Started US Secret Space Program

Rear Admiral Rico Botta was an extremely busy man during World War II. In addition to his official daytime naval duty as “Assembly and Repair Officer” at Naval Air Station, San Diego, in the evenings he led a covert Navy program operating with 29 spies embedded in Nazi Germany’s most advanced aerospace programs which were developing antigravity flying saucers.

According to retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins; from 1942 to 1946, Admiral Botta seamlessly performed his official and covert Navy duties. The covert program learned from the Navy operatives (Lieutenants in rank) that the Nazis had developed up to 30 prototypes of antigravity craft, some of which were capable of space flight.

It was Admiral Botta’s duty to understand both the war and post-war potential of the Nazi aerospace programs, and disseminate the relevant technical information acquired by the spies to his Navy superiors, and also select U.S. aerospace companies, think tanks and government laboratories.

Tompkins job was to assist Admiral Botta by physically taking the briefing packages created during the covert program to organizations with the technical expertise to understand the Nazi designs and prototypes, assess their feasibility, and incorporate them into the war effort, if possible.

Tompkins did this approximately 1200 times. Each late night debriefing session was run by the Admiral, with one or more out of a pool of three Navy captains in attendance, along with Tompkins and a stenographer to record the sessions.

Source: etarena.org

After the official end of WWII, Botta went on to play a key role in starting a U.S. Navy led secret space program filling a number of positions until his final “official” assignment at Naval Air Material Center, Philadelphia, from 1950 until his retirement in 1952.

Admiral Botta’s covert program was first publicly revealed in December 2015 by Tompkins in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials.

Here Tompkins released a document revealing his mission orders as a Disseminator of Naval Aircraft Research and Information, and explained how he would deliver briefing packages to various aerospace organizations.

Tompkins also released a document issued by NavySecretary James Forrestal, which formalized the technology acquisition program headed by Admiral Botta within the newly created Office of Research and Inventions on May 19, 1945.

Yet more documents he released are two exit passes signed by Admiral Botta, which gave Tompkins permission to exit the Naval facility with his “briefing packages.”

These two documents confirm Admiral Botta’s direct role in the covert Navy program. It is hard evidence that Botta was leading a covert program at Naval Air Station, San Diego, which was authorized by Secretary Forrestal, as Tompkins has claimed.

Confirming Botta’s role in the covert program described by Tompkins has been elusive up until recently. Botta’s background and expertise would remain a mystery until researchers at Rense.comcombined their efforts to find an official biography on him.

Botta’s biography was published on the website of the “Golden Eagles,” an organization formed by naval aviators back in 1956. Curiously, Botta’s biography was only made available in March 2016, four months after Tompkins’ Selected by Extraterrestrials was published and publicly identified Admiral (Rico) Botta (mistakenly spelled in the book as “Rick Obatta”).

This occurrence, five years after the Golden Eagles website first appeared in 2011, is oddly coincidental, and suggestive of “official approval” for the release of Botta’s biography into the public arena.

Despite the curious timing of its release, there is no reason to question the accuracy of Botta’s biographical details as found on the Golden Eagles website.

Evaluating Admiral Botta’s various commands and expertise will help considerably in determining whether or not he was capable of running the covert Navy Spy program alleged by Tompkins, and whether Tompkins testimony itself is credible…

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