
The Trends That Will Dominate Gaming During The Two-year Period 2024-2022

In today’s society, the success of a product is based on healthy and effective competition. It is therefore no coincidence that in recent weeks the most important companies specialized in game consoles have planned their new releases. This is the PS5 from Sony and the Xbox Series X as far as the Microsoft galaxy is concerned. It is a bit like when, changing genres, we talk about the Marvel Universe as opposed to DC Comics. We have used the help of GameMite experts to create this article so enjoy and read below.

Of course we know that there is no real monopoly and that there are other companies that develop and produce the same type of product. In the field of consoles it is in fact necessary to mention at least Nintendo, without bothering the giants of the past that are back in vogue, thanks to the retrogaming trend, such as Commodore 64 and to a greater extent, Amiga.

Moreover, the free market and competition prefer these grids and schemes, through which to place an essential analytical vision and adequate and effective media communication. Especially during a season where the technology sector is going through a moment of media hype, probably unprecedented of the same magnitude and social impact. We live in an era in which video games compete and surpass any other form of entertainment and leisure, since neither books, nor cinema or music can stand up to today’s videogames.


The only possible competitor, with the necessary differences, is today represented by online streaming platforms and the daily use of so-called smart TVs. Smart TVs, however, where the first games and user interaction experiments begin to appear. We are facing an epochal and generational change for what is one of the main entertainment industries. Where a company like Apple also plays an important role, with the Cupertino house that, after launching the first smartphone almost 15 years ago, is ready to enter the interactive gaming market through a portal exclusively dedicated to gaming.

So if video streaming platforms increasingly focus on an on-demand product, capable of expanding the offer and the standard package, as we have seen for example with Amazon’s Prime Video, it will not be difficult to see in some time the same type of logic to dominate the sector of arcade, MMO, strategic and various simulation video games. Between the success of gaming and the launch with great fanfare of the new consoles, 2024 is about to end, without forgetting how it was a year that also saw an important return of skill games such as poker and above all for blackjack and baccarat.

Gambling which today is practiced and carried out mainly through latest generation mobile devices, considered by the users involved as more suitable, flexible and functional to today’s game modes. In fact, if we look at the offer of NetBet casino we can find out how today this type of casino games can be managed and practiced through the latest generation of mobile devices. All this happens just after years in which it was said that the game of poker would have had more difficulty in establishing itself on the market, being a game of skill with its rituals, timing and fundamental strategy.


In the end, however, even for a classic and immortal game such as roulette or card games such as blackjack and baccarat, we found a way to rejuvenate a bit but without losing their identity, without becoming natured. The gameplay remains the same as always, but the companies that deal with gambling have decided to focus on a more current and faster snap version, capable of arousing attention for all users who practice it directly from devices and apps for smartphones, Android and iOS.

The online gaming sector is going through a good phase in terms of performance during this start of 2024. In particular, the digital casino segment has had a further increase in terms of percentage data, which show constant growth when compared to the data of the same period last year. Among the realities operating in the digital gaming circuit we find sites which offers a selection of games among the most popular during this last period.

The ranking that refers to the first half of 2024 sees in fact attractions such as baccarat, online roulette, slots, video poker and of course blackjack. Casino games are currently gaining popularity due to the fact that they can be played in any setting and situation. It is no coincidence that online roulette, slots and video poker are currently regarded as the most popular and sought after games by the wider public.


This skill card game has already received good results since 2016, in practice since the online poker circuit has recorded a substantial decline, in terms of active users who today are slowly returning to acceptable rates.
The game of blackjack however lends itself better to being played through devices such as smartphones and tablets, thus entering the context of fast and dynamic casino games, based on the concept of player vs player, where the player challenges the dealer in the figure of the dealer, starting from a clear disadvantage, which can be recovered by playing with strategy, dynamism and skills that can be acquired over time.

However, the game of poker has recovered very well during this 2024, a sign that the year we are going through will be remembered in terms of online gaming, as an awaited return and a starting point on which to base strategies in terms of programming, diffusion and technology that will be used. Things have changed significantly compared to past years, where most users used desktop PCs and laptops, while today the devices in use are in a higher percentage and with a higher frequency digital devices such as smartphones and tablets. However, today the gaming experience offered by an online casino is very different in many respects, compared to what it could have been ten years ago.

The very concept of live casino, which today is almost taken for granted, as well as computer security, the possibility of managing an online account, through a smartphone, are the reasons why digital casinos have obtained good public feedback, too. The online poker circuit has returned to producing good numbers and results, highlighting how there is still a future for online gaming in Italy as well as in Europe.

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