How to Know if You’re Brushing Your Teeth Correctly

There is definitely more than one way to brush your teeth, and the fact is that everyone has their own technique that they use and that remains fairly consistent throughout their lives. However, it is important that, if you are already brushing your teeth, you do it correctly, in order to provide maximum benefits to your teeth and protect them from cavity, inflammation, and irritation. Nowadays, dentists are increasingly talking about the importance of flossing and interdental brushes. And yes, everyone has their importance in this process, so the way you brush your teeth will greatly affect the degree of impurities that you manage to remove from your oral cavity. If you are not sure if you brush your teeth correctly, you can read more about it below.
1. Use your tongue
One of the easy ways to conclude if you have brushed your teeth well is to use your tongue. While it may sound ridiculous, the fact is that with this mini test you can really detect if you missed a spot or two while brushing your teeth. All you need to do is run your tongue over the surface of the tooth and feel if all the surfaces are smooth or there are also some rough areas. If you have the impression that your tongue can’t run smoothly over your teeth after you brush them, it is a clear sign that you have not done a very good job and you should do it again.
What exactly are these rough surfaces? These are deposits that form under the influence of bacteria a few hours after you brush your teeth. These deposits, if not removed in time, harden more and more and turn into thicker dental plaque. There is no way to remove these deposits other than thoroughly brushing with your toothbrush, so we suggest you do so as soon as possible. Otherwise, this plaque can lead to cavity, gingivitis, or periodontitis. Pay attention when brushing your teeth to cover all surfaces, so that you feel that your teeth are as smooth as glass after brushing.
2. Do a breath test

Another test to check if you brush your teeth well enough is a breath test that you can do in a very simple way. To begin with, make sure that your hands are completely clean, and then you need to lick the inside of your wrist with the back of your tongue. Yes, it sounds funny, but if it works it’s the only thing that matters. The place to lick your tongue is where you usually put the perfume. Then smell the wrist and conclude what your breath is like.
In case you feel an unpleasant odor, it is probably a sign that you are not brushing your teeth well enough, so a plaque is formed. In this plaque, live bacteria lead to the formation of sulfur compounds that have a very unpleasant odor and are considered one of the main causes of bad breath. When you brush your teeth correctly, you will no longer have bad breath because all the plaque will be removed.
Of course, with a good dentist, you will be able to more easily determine where your bad breath comes from, whether you brush your teeth properly, and if you do not, how you can improve your technique. We suggest that you take the time to find a professional and dedicated dentist who will take care of the hygiene of your teeth. You can read more about one at
3. Check the color of your tongue

Many people forget that cleaning the tongue is also part of optimal oral hygiene. Cleaning the tongue is just as important as cleaning the teeth, so due to inadequate hygiene, it is possible for deposits and bacteria to accumulate on the tongue, which leads to a change in its color. Healthy tongues have a pink color, so if you notice that your tongue becomes white, it is a clear sign that something is happening to it and that you need to find a way to clean it more thoroughly. Always make sure that while brushing your teeth, you cover the entire surface of the tongue, because only then can you ensure that your teeth are completely clean and that your breath is fresh.
4. You notice that food gets stuck easily between your teeth

Another sign that you do not brush your teeth is optimal if you notice that your food easily gets stuck between your teeth. The reason for this may be that, due to improper oral hygiene, cavities have occurred, as a result of which food easily accumulates between teeth. In case you notice something like this, it is important to mention it to your dentist as soon as possible, so that he or she can solve the problem until it has gone too far.
The same goes if during flossing or brushing your teeth with an interdental brush you notice that a large amount of food gets stuck between your teeth. The fact is that brushing teeth removes only 60 percent of food and impurities, and the rest should be removed with dental floss and an interdental brush. That is why it is so important that you floss and clean your teeth with an interdental brush on a daily basis. However, if you notice that this amount is larger than usual, it is a sign that you probably have a cavity that you need to fix as soon as possible.
Every single person brushes teeth in their own way, which means we all have our own technique that stays pretty much the same throughout life. This only indicates how important it is for this technique to be correct, that is: to make sure that you brush your teeth correctly. In case you are not sure if you are doing it the right way, we suggest you do some of the tests that will show you this more clearly. Some of them are to do a tongue test, look at the color of your tongue, do a breath test and decide if too much food is getting stuck between your teeth. Of course, having a good dentist by your side is an added benefit in order to determine if your oral hygiene is proper.