Chemtrails are a widely debated phenomena: are they real? Are they just the talk of crazy conspiracy theorists? Regardless, people across the world who believe in them have one thing in common: severe illnesses and ailments that all seem to align with chemtrails.
People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals and plant life are occurring as well.
This page provides you with an overview of the illnesses that are being experienced. It also contains information that you won’t hear in mainstream media.
Please take a moment and send a link to this page to a friend. You may help them by enabling them to discover the root cause of their own illnesses.
Symptoms Associated with Chemtrails

They are called “The Big 4”. They are the 4 most common serious illnesses associated with chemtrails:
- Aneurysms – Components of chemtrails are believed to block arteries and weaken arterial walls leading to aneurysms and eventually to deadly strokes.
- Strokes – Nano-particle aluminum builds up in capllaries causing blockages eventually leading to aneyrysms and strokes.
- Heart Attacks – Barium dramatically lowers potassium in mammals leading to heart fibrillations and heart attacks. In fact, barium is used in animal testing to artificially induce heart attacks.
- Cancer – Most of the components of chemtrails suppress the immune system. When the immune system is suppressed for extended periods, cancer grows and thrives.
By no means are these the only illnesses associated with chemtrails. Following are a number of other common symptoms that people report on a daily basis:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Sinus pain
- Muscle pain
- Joint pain
- Frequently cracking joints
- Depression
- Panic attacks, anxiety
- Hyperactivity
- Insomnia
- Tooth decay (especially at the gumline)
- Anxiety
- Anger issues
- Inability to focus or concentrate
- Looping thoughts or songs
- Salty-metallic taste to the air
- Chemical taste to the air
- Swelling/inflammation
- Morgellon’s disease, (itchy skin, sores, and other symptoms)
- Ringing in the ears
- Changes in eyesight
- Near or farsightedness
- Upper respiratory infections
- Elevated blood pressure
- Accelerated heart beat
- Heart pain
- Heart fibrillations, heart attack
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of balance
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Stomach pain
- Nausea
- Frequent illness
- Shallow, unrestful sleep
- Vivid or restless dreams
- Rapid/premature aging
- Nose bleeds (toluene)
- Skin rashes
These symptoms are being experienced by a rapidly-growing number of people around the world. They are commonly associated with the appearance of chemtrails.
Related: Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film (Video)
Most of these symptoms are commonly associated with mercury poisoning. A few other items are associated with aluminum and barium toxicity.
Not Experiencing Symptoms?

The toxins that make up chemtrails often have health effects that are cumulative, so if you are not affected by the spraying now, you may be affected in the near future.
It’s important to think about children. Just as most symptoms of mercury poisoning do not generally appear until mercury reaches a certain level in the body, chemtrail toxicity appears to work exactly the same way.
We have spoken to many people having symptoms that increased over time as they were exposed to chemtrail spraying. This cumulative effect is all the more reason to get involved in stopping the spraying even if you’re not experiencing symptoms right now.
Animals and the Environment

Chemtrails appear to be having a dramatic effect not only on humans, but on animal health and on the environment. For example:
We have witnessed deaths of entire ladybug colonies after 3 extremely heavy days of spraying. Others are witnessing massive die offs of ladybugs in many other areas as well.
There have been unexplained continuous deaths of bats and bat colonies. Over 11,000 bats died in 2008. The disease is being called “white nose syndrome” but the cause is baffling experts.
Nearly everyone has heard about the massive bee die-off nation wide. The U.S. and U.K. both reported to have lost about one-third of its bee population in 2008.
Soils are becoming contaminated with very-high levels of aluminum. If aluminum levels elevate above 400ppm, numerous species of plants will die.
Brown pelicans are dying in California. The cause is “a mystery” but they have found a “residue” on the feathers of the dying animals.
Starlings fall from the sky without explanation: “The sky was raining starlings. One of my neighbours saw them. They seemed to just fall out of the sky. About 70 were dead straight away.”
Largest Whale Die-Off on Record: “This is the single largest die-off event in terms of numbers and in relation to population size and geographic range,” said Marcela Uhart, a medical veterinarian with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). She represents an associate director in Latin America for the WCS Global Health Program.
Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres:Small dots appear to “burn” through leaves
Area affected is along Tipton and Shelby County line
Farmers afraid they may lose their entire crop
Numerous other environmental anomalies are occurring and we believe we know what is causing this harm, but we need to test our hypothesis and then publish our results. Finally, legal action needs to be taken to put an end to chemical spraying and to punish those who are responsible.