
5 Things to Look For When Choosing Cloud Computing Services – 2024 Guide

If you’re thinking about incorporating cloud services into your business, you’re probably wondering where to start. We all know the benefits of cloud computing: cost-effectiveness, security, mobility, better collaboration, and automation. Still, to be able to enjoy all of these, you’ll have to find the right cloud provider first.

In this article, we’ll discuss this topic in detail to help you choose the optimal cloud computing services for your business.

So, without further ado, let’s get to the bottom of it!

1. Types of cloud computing services


There are three types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and finally, Platform as a Service (PaaS). Knowing the difference between these types is of the utmost importance, as it’s the first “filter” to put onto your search.

If you’re not familiar with these terms, then keep on reading through this section since we will explain them in the next few lines.

First of all, there’s the IaaS category. As the name suggests, this service model allows you to use a functional computing infrastructure that’s completely managed through the internet. In other words, you’ll be able to use computing resources without having to build and manage your own physical servers and data centers (which can be incredibly expensive to do).

Secondly, we have the SaaS model, which allows you to use software applications contained in the cloud’s infrastructure. With SaaS, you won’t have to put up with costly software management- it’s the job of your cloud provider.

Lastly, PaaS is mainly used for testing, development, and distribution of your own apps using the provider’s infrastructure. So, basically, it represents a development environment hosted on a cloud.

2. Your business needs

Now, when you’re aware of the main three types of cloud services, it’s time to think about your business goals for a moment. What do you want to accomplish in the long run? Do you already have a costly IT infrastructure in your company? What kind of software can benefit your business?

Make sure to discuss these questions with your entire team, especially the IT sector. They’ll be able to help you focus on the right things, as nobody knows your computing needs better than your IT department.

The cloud services are mostly paid as you go, which helps you save a lot of money in the long haul. So, if you’re concerned about the initial costs of switching to cloud-based computing, you shouldn’t be as it certainly pays off in the end. Of course, make sure to check whether your IT services can be outsourced or not and whether it financially makes sense to do so in the first place.

3. Choose a reliable cloud provider


There’s nothing more important than choosing a trustworthy cloud provider for your cloud computing needs. So, check their security policies, and do your research online. Our advice is to go with the most popular providers such as Google and Microsoft Azure.

Of course, your choice will also depend on your business needs as well. For example, if your company already uses a lot of Microsoft products, then it makes sense to opt for Microsoft’s Azure solution as well.

If you choose to go with an “underground” provider, make sure to check online reviews first and pay close attention to their security measures. Also, you’ll have to find a safe way to connect to your cloud services before you migrate your IT infrastructure there. You can click here to find out more about this topic.

4. Your budget

A great thing about cloud computing is that you’ll pay for what you use. Your cloud can grow with your business, which gives you a lot of flexibility with your budget. Still, as we mentioned before, the initial transition costs can be quite costly. Consider getting the most beneficial services first, and then gradually add more.

The use of cloud computing can help you digitally transform your business. That can give you an edge over your competitors by reducing your operative costs to help you grow your business faster.

Whatever you do, make sure to consider a general budget before getting involved with a cloud service. You can always purchase more, so it’s always better to start slow at the beginning. Overall, we advise you to consult with the relevant departments in your company so you can all calculate an optimal budget estimate.

5. Support


Whatever you decide to do, make sure to purchase from providers who have reliable customer support. Since your host will be responsible for the service maintenance, having a way to contact them if something goes wrong can be crucial to your business needs.

So, ask those questions directly. You must know what to expect if you run into problems. Now, any major issues with the cloud shouldn’t occur very often if you opt for Azure or GCP for example. Still, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, as system issues could cost you a lot of money and time.

Of course, your own IT team should be ready to deal with any problems unrelated to the cloud itself. It’s important to differentiate between the two.

All in all, while customer support might not be your primary concern, you should still consider it when choosing your provider. It could save you from a lot of trouble in the long haul.

The bottom line

Cloud computing has become a standard in the world of business. It’s a cost-effective way of dealing with information technologies at the workplace, so many companies are starting to rely on it.

Choosing the right computing services for your business can be a daunting task if you’re not informed enough. That’s why we decided to provide you some basic information in this short guide. There’s still a lot of things to consider, but we hope you found this article to be a good starting point.

Overall, as long as you inform yourself properly, you shouldn’t have any problem with transitioning to the cloud-based system.

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