
Halloween Makeup Inspired by Netflix Shows

Halloween’s coming!

Halloween is on the horizon now, so it’s time to start thinking about assembling your costume for all the parties you’ll be dragged to by friends. Some of the most interesting costume ideas can be attributed to Netflix shows, many of which involve British royalty, American rednecks and zombies, and Korean thriller shows.

Due to the great marketing tactics of the producers as well as the cast members, These Netflix shows took the social media world by storm! Articles after articles, reviews after reviews, all of them gained popularity and increased fanbase! For more information on how digital marketing shapes the movie industry, visit Digital Spotlight.

Here are some suggestions you can use to win that ‘best costume’ competition at any Halloween parties you attend and to give you bragging rights for the entire year.

Netflix shows

Squid Game is the number one show on Netflix, and all the show’s competitors appear in some kind of jumpsuit, which you can easily copy and make your own for this coming Halloween season. Even if you’re number 12,000 on Planet Earth, there will be enough left of you to participate in a real-life Squid Game of your own on Halloween night, especially if you have a number of friends with similar ideas.

This is both a popular TV idea and a very interesting costume idea, and it should put you at the head of the class for Halloween costumes. If you like dressing up like the undead, you’ll have plenty of Netflix shows to model your costume after – check out Daybreak, Van Helsing, the Last Kids on Earth, iZombie, or Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.

Face and body paint


You can do many things with face and body paint, and the only limitation you’ll have is your own imagination. You can find everything you need for face and body painting at Mehron Makeup, including all the necessary brushes, powders, sponge applicators, mixing liquids, grease paints, spatulas, and palettes.

You can even purchase a life-sized head that you can practice your makeup techniques on, before transferring them to yourself. There are also makeup remover wipes that can take away any type of makeup you’ve applied, making cleanup much easier afterward.

The remover will also allow you to experiment with multiple looks before settling on the most gruesome and garish look possible.

Watch any Netflix show featuring zombie storylines, and you’ll get some instant tips on what you can achieve by judicious use of face and body paint. The realistic looks you can achieve with these materials can be truly frightening, even without making any of the terrifying noises these creatures make.

Special FX


If you want to up your game a little and go beyond face and body painting, or if you want to enhance the look you’ve achieved with those materials, you can opt for using some of the Special FX materials made available by Mehron Makeup.

Some possibilities include clown makeup, vampire makeup, monster makeup, skeleton makeup, and even pirate makeup.

Add to this the coagulated blood gel, the blood splatter, or the Extra Flesh makeup, and you can create something truly horrifying. Everything from foundation greasepaint to Stage Blood or Squirt Blood can be found here, along with all the brushes and applicators needed to create your masterpiece of horror.

If you’ve ever seen a few episodes of American Horror Story, Stranger Things, or The Walking Dead on Netflix, you’ll have some really excellent examples of what Special FX can do in the way of completing your Halloween ensemble.

In fact, if you’re trying to come up with something unique and scary, it might be worth your while to check out a few episodes of any of these Netflix winners to find your own monster to model from.

Netflix’s ‘Ratched’


If you want to go the route of disturbed, psychopathic nurses, why not choose Netflix’s ‘Ratched’ as your model? Who wants to go to a Halloween party as a boring, sexy nurse when you can go as a psychopath who has a warped sense of reality?

You could go one of two ways with this approach – either the apparently well-adjusted Mildred Ratched who wouldn’t hurt a fly, or you can choose Mildred Ratched in her blood-spattered nurse’s costume, with a knife soaked in her victim’s blood.

If you really want to dazzle your friends, you could bring both to the party, wearing normal Mildred in the first half of the party, and then morphing into disturbed Mildred sometime afterwards.

If you have a date who is willing to dress up as Mildred’s brother Edmund, you’ll get extra points and possibly even win the Best Costume competition.

Stranger Things

Halloween is the perfect time to channel your inner Eleven and go full-on badass. To get the look, start with a white base all over the face. Once that’s dry, use a black pencil to line the eyes heavily, extending the lines out past the corners of the eye. Add some red to the inner corners of the eye for an eerie effect.

Next, use a small brush to apply black shadow along the lashline, extending it out into a cat eye. Then, add some gray shadow in the crease to create depth. Finally, apply plenty of mascara and false lashes for an ultra-glam finish.

The Haunting of Hill House


If you’re looking for some spooky Halloween makeup inspiration, look no further than Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House. The hit show tells the story of the Crain family, who are haunted by ghosts both literal and figurative.

There are plenty of looks you can recreate from the show, whether you want to be one of the Crain siblings or one of the ghosts haunting them. For a truly chilling effect, try out a smokey eye in grey and black, like the one used by the character Nell in a flashback scene. Or, if you’re feeling really brave, go for a white-out makeup look like the one worn by the ghostly Bent-Neck Lady.

Whatever look you choose, don’t forget to add some fake blood; it’s not Halloween without it!

Make it fun

Above, we’ve provided a number of excellent suggestions for how you might want to dress up for this year’s round of Halloween parties. Parents, if you get involved with choosing or customizing a costume for your child, help them choose responsibly, while keeping the fun factor involved.

Feel free to choose any of them, or to find your own favorite scary Netflix show and pick out a character you think would scare the bejeezus out of your Halloween party friends. Have fun with it, and happy haunting!

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