10 Tips for Improving Your New eCommerce Website – 2024 Guide

An eCommerce website is an excellent platform for buying and selling products online. If we observe this sector’s growth, then in the last years, people are using these sites quite more. If you can order something and get it at your home, what is the need to step outside your house?
As a business owner, if you have an eCommerce website, you have to make sure that it is capable enough to attract your customers. X-Finity PRO is a great platform that can help you in marketing your website to increase conversions.
If you do not have enough customers, then there must be something missing. In the following write-up, we will discuss specific tips to improve your new eCommerce website, and you need to make specific changes to improve sales leads and run your site successfully.
1. Site Navigation

You have to check whether a user is able to find your website or not. You have to think like your customer. Therefore, search for any product and check whether you are reaching your platform or not.
Improve your site navigation and improve your business goals. There are many online platforms where you can check the navigation flow. When you improve this factor, you will indeed observe a change in user experience.
2. Improve Speed of Your Website
No one wants to wait too much to open a website. The loading time must be less so that one can access a site quickly. If your site is taking more than 3 seconds to load, then it is considered wrong. You have to pay attention to this factor and improve the loading time. When more users come to your platform, then only they will check out products to buy them.
3. Pay Attention to Product Images

A customer gives more importance to images and checks out a product thoroughly. If images are a blur or not clear, then it will be challenging to determine what you are selling. It is essential to post different pictures of the product at every angle. A user must get a complete idea about the item. Make sure that you consider the zoom functionality so that a user can easily zoom the HD pictures to get a complete idea.
4. Ask for Reviews
Whenever you are selling any product, it is essential to ask for reviews from your customers. With the help of feedback, you will realize whether you are selling the right product or not. It is quite difficult to ask for a review from your customers.
Therefore, you can simply insert a link where a user can post a comment about the product. It is okay if you get bad reviews, and you should not be disappointed about it. Instead, you should improve those things or products for a better customer experience.
5. Shipping Charges

Many online eCommerce platforms sell the same products, but many people are buying from a site where shipping charges are quite reasonable. It is vital to fix shipping charges or provide this facility for free. You might have observed that many retailers provide free shipping. It is one of the best ways to market your products and website.
6. Show Security Badges
The security to buy any product is quite vital for a customer. Whenever anyone goes shopping in a store, he checks all the security badges and buys any product. The person keeps on asking many questions, whether he is buying the right product or not.
But when it comes to buying anything from an online store, a user cannot query anything. The person looks for the security badges and ensures that he is getting the right thing. Therefore, it is crucial to consider this factor to improve the customer experience online.
7. Display Customer Reviews from Social Sites

You must provide social proof to your visitors. You must show that people are buying from your website and sharing their reviews on social media platforms. If possible, you can display Facebook likes on your products, tweets, customer reviews, etc.
People believe in proofs, and if they see what others feel about your site, they will surely come to your platform to buy any item. It is the best way to convince a user that a specific item is quite popular.
8. Easy Checkout Process
When a user has decided to purchase any product from your website, then the last step in the checkout process. It is crucial to make it simple. No one wants to click on different pages to buy any product. The process steps must be simple so that a customer can understand and does not get irritated while doing it.
Your main goal is to keep the user stick to your platform. You cannot afford that a customer is leaving your eCommerce portal with frustration. If you do not take care of it, then you will lose your customers.
9. Google Analytics

If you want to check how your customer is navigating your website, it is essential to use Google Analytics. It is simple to understand all the pages that are popular and how many people are viewing it.
You can easily determine why users are coming to your website and why they are leaving it without any purchase. When you manage to know your customer’s behavior, you can easily improve a lot of things on your website.
10. Create a FAQ Page
There is a possibility that your customers are facing any difficulty, and they must have some queries to ask. But you do not have enough time to manage such a thing and answer everyone the same thing. Therefore, you can create a FAQ page, where you can post basic questions and answers to clear your user’s doubts.
The Bottom Line
Start improving your website to increase sales, conversions, and traffic with the tips mentioned earlier. You can run your online eCommerce store successfully when you start considering these factors. Stop your customers for not leaving your site and stick them to buy your products online.