Notes from Cobra’s Conference in Konstanz, Germany — Part 2

The Brotherhood of the Star/Order of the Star
The members of the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of the Star are guardians of the light on, above, and below the surface of the planet. Throughout the ages, they were protecting the light and keeping it alive. The Order of the Star is 144.000-star beings of light who let the light shine and transform darkness with it. Right now, since the IS: IS Portal Activation last December, light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144.000 to trigger their awakening.
We here, in this room and those, who are reading, belong to them. We “know” it and we have been trained all of our lifetimes for this momentous time, the “Shift of the Ages”. All our past incarnations are preparations for the impact we are able to have right now, in this moment. This is the reason why the light forces have decided to release the Cintamani stone to the most awakened light workers. To do so in a broad spectrum was impossible before, up to now the information about this stone always was under strict secrecy. It still is an issue that requires all of our abilities in being truly responsible: This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who really have made a clear decision for the light, for active assistance in the liberation of planet Earth, for First Contact and ascension. This stone shall ONLY be given to those, who are working very consciously and very active on their own patterns, shadows and issues to be capable to liberate this planet -with their full being. If you make this choice right now, this can be your moment. Do NOT give this stone to people who are half-hearted, not awakened and of whom only YOU might think, that they could need that stone while they are reacting out of their programming. Do not give it to people who refuse or avoid to participate actively and be self-responsible in dissolving their own-ed patterns (even if they “are” victims, this is no justification to handle this stone irresponsibly).
If you would give it to those people, it would have the effect, that the dark energies they are unwillingly and unconsciously channeling, are getting even more amplified. This would have a very negative impact on you, your soul family and on the whole Network of Light and therefore for the whole planet. So please, be very careful with this stone, it is an aspect of the Holy Grail, always take care of it and have a special place for it. The best thing is to wear it day and night.
This has a special reason: At the Event, the Event energies will flow through exactly this stone. This stone is THE transmitting element for the Event energies to reach exactly you. You are together with this stone the transmitters of the energies of the Event at the culmination point, the moment of the Event. This as well means, that those who have a special role at the Event, will receive the multidimensional message, what they will have to do, in the same way. Who will have a special role at the Event ? You will. You will absolutely know what to do. You will be guided divinely through this stone in a very intense and strong way. It also is a massive amplifier of your positive energy and it will fully awaken you to all aspects of your mission, every day more, from the moment on at which you have made that very conscious and unconditional 100 percent decision : the decision to surrender to your divine role, which you are embodying right now, right in this moment. It will help you to remove your blocks, traumas, unsolved patterns, implants etc., yet, again, only with your whole-hearted participation. It is not important, how “far” you might think you are developed or not, it only depends on YOUR OWN decision and will, this is the key element here.
In this moment, we, the Network of Light around the planet, are in special focus. The light forces are working actively to stabilize this light grid for the Event. In 1996 a negative portal has been created by the Archons and at that time the Network of Light was nearly completely captured. This situation is solved and over forever. Since the invasion in 1996 the light forces are working to fully free the Network of Light. It is already now starting to work again. You can see a confirmation of this fact if you look at the dawning stabilization of systems in the political, economical and societal structures, so that very soon peacefulness and liberation and end of all wars worldwide will have been gained. The Network of Light will then have become perfectly functional which will have had the effect of stabilizing the rest of humanity in all aspects of life and on all levels. So we -and therefore as well the masses- are getting ready for the Event, right now.
Manifestation Tools
The 3 main steps in manifesting anything -ANY-THING!- are:
- CONSCIOUS UNCONDITIONAL DECISION (most important, as this is condition for the rest to follow !)
Everything gets prepared in the non-visible areas to manifest in the material world. This means that everything which shall manifest in the physical world, takes the steps from the higher realms to the lower ones, with boundaries merging into one another. For better understanding of this process the different layers are listed here:
- Mental (thought)
- Astral (soul)
- Etheric (emotion)
- Plasma (merging of etheric and physical)
- Physical (body)
1. Ideas – Vision – Thought – Knowledge – Deeper Understanding – Inhabiting spiritual realms – Realization – Insight – Decision – Will – Readiness for Action on all levels: mental, astral etc. – (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Telepathy/Access to “Universal Knowledge” = divine masculine aspect of creation)
2. Intuition, soulful participation with full presence, connecting with higher spiritual realms and beings, invocation for assistance of light beings belonging to the higher dimensions of divine light, surrender to the divine, allowing the divine to manifest through you (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Astral projection/Astral travel = divine feminine aspect of creation)
3. Feel, taste, hear, see, breathe in the new creation, all that will manifest, be in it as if it was real already, with all your being, with all your abilities to inhabit it with your complete emotional body (goes in direction of multidimensional ability : Teleportation)
4. The same like in 3., even more physical: Think at those times in your childhood, when you wanted to make the curtain move with your pure will (goes in direction of multidimensional ability: Telekinesis)
5. Physical action: For example: Do your meditation, do your Yoga, eat healthy food, contact a person, create a website, write an e-mail, talk to people, print some flyers, look at people’s eyes and smile, give a workshop, make an important visit to another starseed, do GRIDWORK, create an Event Support group, create a Sisterhood of the Rose group.
This of course are only examples to inspire. You know what to do by yourself, by connecting with your divine self.
I please everybody, to participate in doing gridwork at the area you are living at or anywhere else on the planet and to join or create an Event Support/Sisterhood of the Rose group. My friend Untwine is very active in that, so please contact him for further advice and information about gridwork as gridwork is one of the most important things to do right now.
Gridwork assists massively in the full liberation of the Network of Light and this, again, is now MOST IMPORTANT, more important than anything else within the liberation process of planet Earth. And I guess everybody would like to have the Event right now. I please you to be patient anyway, because everything gets ready when it gets ready and the Event can happen when everything is in the right position.
But honestly, if you would ask me: I would wish the Event would happen immediately!
This way, in which things are getting manifested, is also the reason why in the last years all the activations have been taking place, like for instance the “Reboot of the Grid”, the “AION Portal Activation” and the “IS:IS Portal Activation”. Those activations are the anchor points within the planetary etheric body, so we -as the Network of Light- can be integrated in it. So the network of light can operate divinely. The activations have prepared the complete functioning of the Network of Light, which is now beginning to work again and it will be completed through us using the manifestation tools in an advanced way, using them for us as a planetary group. As this whole process has never happened before in this way and the consciousness on this planet has been distorted since aeons, so we need to gain deeper understanding about how this can work, how we can fulfill our individual divine role in perfect harmony within the planetary Network of Light, being conscious of every other individual being of light around the planet.
The Event is a collective decision. This means we transfer the law of manifestation to a new, higher level now. This is new for all of us. We have been programmed beyond our understanding, so we have massive problems to make conscious collective (and even individual) decisions, and the Archons are using these distortions through the media. They trigger unconscious collective decisions everyday through programming of the masses. This means WE are changing that with OUR absolute clear conscious collective decision NOW. The “higher” consciousness is always leading :
1. We now make individually an unconditional conscious decision and collectively an unconditional conscious group decision to inhabit our divine individual missions and our divine group mission: To assist the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension.
2. We invoke assistance, as individuals and as a group, beings and groups of the higher spiritual realms of light; assistance for us as individuals and assistance for us as a group for the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension.
3. Finally we act on that unconditional conscious decision as individuals belonging to a planetary group : the Network of Light. We act on the unconditional conscious decision for the liberation of planet Earth, First Contact and ascension; unique beings of light building one planetary group of light, like one diamond with many facets.
The now regained Network of Light will remain like this forever until eternity and from now on it will get better every hour, with every decision, invocation and action of you, right now, right in this moment. The Archons are now unable to ever disturb it again. The Network of Light is now becoming stable, so the likelihood for the Event to happen is increasing at every moment very fast.
Release of Top Secret Intel
The situation of the planet has improved so much, that I am allowed to release an information, that has been kept top secret until this point in time, until today:
The vortexes inside of the Network of Light, which emerge from gridline cross points, are the entrance stations for the lightships at the time of the Event. This is one of the main reasons why the dark forces had captured and controlled the Network of Light. At the Event (and afterwards), First Contact will be made through this vortexes and the ships are using the higher dimensional etheric energy of these vortexes to manifest themselves into the physical. So this means, they can be seen inside of these vortexes.
During the Event an impulse from the Galactic Central Sun will be sent through the Spheric Motherships which are in the Oort Cloud. The Spheric Motherships transmit this impulse to the smaller ships inside of the Solar System which then transmit the energy into the planetary Network of Light, which is us. People who are sensitive to energies will experience very, VERY exciting energies. Very exciting ones. They and all others too will feel, that s o m e t h i n g is going on and they will search to find out what is happening. It will be very strong energies, quite exciting and extremely positive. There will be an intense experience, that there is something, that has happened, something new, never experienced before.
This impulse also serves to connect people, so they get informed about the Event and they get animated to communicate and meet with each other. Because of this it is so vitally important, to build the Event Support groups all around the planet; immediately, now. Numerous groups will be created, now, by you, exactly you, listening and reading right in this moment. Nobody else will do that for you. This is the challenge here, to do something, that has never been shown by someone else, which has never been done before. Therefore it is of significant importance, that you follow your inner guidance by connecting with the spiritual realms and beings and your higher self. This is, what you have been prepared for, during all your lifetimes. You have been prepared so intensely, because this situation and the resulting task is absolutely unique in the whole human history, actually in the whole cosmic history. This means: EVERYONE of you, yes, you, listening or reading, has a unique, special role at the Event, which no one else is able to fulfill. Every single one of us has a special function especially at the time of the Event and of course also before and afterwards. This is what we have tried to figure out all of our lives, this is our turn.
At the Event the Sisterhood of the Rose groups will meditate to stabilize the energy. They are the feminine aspect of the liberation process now. The masculine aspect of the liberation process are the Event Support groups. They will also meet and the Resistance Movement and the Light forces will contact the Event Support groups directly or indirectly. The light workers of the Event Support groups will receive instructions to make certain contacts, for example to the media. We here, physically present and listening or reading, have deeper understanding of what is happening than anybody else on this planet like for example politicians or other people, who usually have been in public until now. Those people, who have been in publicity until the moment of the Event, will be mostly completely confused when the Event will have been happening. They will need assistance and guidance, as they will not understand, what is going on and they will not know what exactly to tell to the masses. WE are the ones, who will have been speaking to the masses, who will have had explained what has happened, what is happening and what will happen. The future of the planet is in our hands now and from the time of the Event on as well. The infrastructure can remain functioning through our actions. We will have been the ones, that will have had informed the electrician, the man inside of the water supply, the chiefs and workers of the supermarket and of any other organisation/corporation. We will have been the ones that will have had explained what the situation is, what is coming for them and what to do. We will have been the ones who have communicated to those people around our house and area, how the situation is evolving into a positive future and how we can all play a role in this. We will have been explaining them the meaning of their role and the significance of their behavior during the crucial time, the first 1-2 weeks approximately after the Event. We will have been the ones who will have had initiated the actions that have a domino effect, the actions of all those people during the intense transition, when most people are confused and some -hopefully not- might be in panic. This is why we create now, in this exact moment, the Event Support groups all around the planet. The Event Support groups will have been the ones who will have been responsible to make sure, that the infrastructure will remain intact.
We are responsible because we know.
We know because we understand.
We understand because we are who we are: The Order of the Star.
We are responsible for the destiny of the planet. Planet Earth.
The destiny of humanity depends on how we fill in our role during the moment of the Event.
The destiny of humanity and planet Earth depends on our decision, right now, in this exact moment.
We are the ones making decisions, because everybody else is confused.
We are the ones who have the abilities, because we have trained our talents throughout all of our lifetimes, for this exact moment.
From the moment of the Event on we are building up the new society.
The Event is the Zero Point for the whole cosmos.
At the Event we start again, freshly and new, from zero on.
Again: We built the new society, from zero on, a new beginning, a new dawn, the dawn of the Golden Age, that we have been waiting for since ages ago.
And the destiny of the planet is in our hands, in the hands of every single one of us.