
9 Questions to ask when searching for a memory care facility

Maybe one day we will have to take care of a close person, parent, grandfather, grandmother, a friend who will not be able to take care of themselves, but daily responsibilities will not allow us to do it in the best possible way. That is why there are special institutions and people who are professionally trained and who offer care for the elderly or sick. You will probably wonder if you are acting as a rule, if that person would think that you do not love them at all or that you want to get rid of them. Would those people give them the full attention and care they need? But no, you do the exact opposite, because you entrust a person to people who know what they are doing and how to care for the sick and frail.

What is a memory care facility?


This place is a little different from regular nursing homes. This institution cares for people who have memory problems, and suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s. The institution employs staff who assist residents in carrying out daily activities, 24-hour care, and supervision of persons who are unable to take care of themselves, medical care, and so on.

If you are interested in what services are available in these homes, visit this site, and you will additionally find out everything they offer.

If you have a person who suffers from Alzheimer’s and you decide to place him in such a facility, you will surely want to make an appointment with someone in charge of the home where you will want to ask a few questions that you are looking for answers to help you decide is the right place for your loved one.

These are some of the questions, to which you need an answer:

1. What type of services does the institution offer?


What treatment will people living in the home receive, is there any special therapy given to people, is there a group in which residents share experiences with memory loss and help new members to deal with it more easily by giving advice. Are there fun activities every day where the other members of the home participate, if your loved one has had an active social life, this will surely be your priority, to be able to continue with the same way of life as before?

2. Is the stay-at-home limited or unlimited?

During the stay at home, it will depend on several factors such as the type of memory loss and how it progresses, the health and mental state of the person. So the stay can vary, from a few months to several years.

3. How much will it cost per month?


Homes that provide care for the elderly, frail, and sick charge huge amounts of money, but that all depends on the type of services they offer. You can find out if they have any discounts and if anything can be covered by health insurance.

4. Can the person leave home or escape?

The patients in the institution are of course under 24-hour supervision, but no one can keep them against their will. And if such a situation occurs where the person wants to leave the facility, the person listed as the contact should be informed.

5. What type of food is given to residents?

This is honestly a very good question because patients with memory problems need a special type of food, which is full of vitamins and minerals that contribute to normal or improved brain function. In addition, the home is informed about any intolerance or food allergy, to provide better service to its patients.

6. Do people living in the home have physical activity?


Most of these facilities offer such services to the people living there, and of course, such activities take place under the supervision of the staff working there. Walking, cycling, light physical exercises are some of the sports activities. Physical activity is great for maintaining a healthy body and mind and is an important part of everyday life.

7. Will they take the medication on time?

Due to the condition of the patients, they may forget to take their medication on time. However, this will not be a problem for the staff in charge of them, as they will make sure that the patients take the medication on time so that there are no complications related to their health.

8. Are visits or phone calls allowed?

You will surely find yourself in a position when you want to hear or see your loved one, to ask her how she is doing or how the day went, to tell you about her experience at home, whether she has made friends, whether she is like staying there or not. And you can certainly do this either by phone or in-person because you can visit it whenever you want.

9. Can a person carry personal items?


Of course yes, items that are of sentimental value, that have a background story, such as pictures, books, small items that remind you of your personality. So that you do not worry that there is a possibility that he will forget you.

It is very difficult when we have a person in our life who suffers from memory loss, and every moment we fear that the day will come when he will no longer remember us and our moments spent together, that we will become a stranger in her eyes. But it is important to give that person the appropriate love, care, attention, and help as much as possible in these difficult moments. And only with the help of the services they offer in the memory care facilities will we achieve this, there they will get all the necessary care they need, and they will make their residents feel comfortable and happy as if they were at home. And do not be afraid that your loved one will have a problem with some memories because you will always be there for her to remind her of all the beautiful moments spent together. Together you will return to some ancient situations that filled you with laughter and happiness and you will return to the beautiful past times over and over again.

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