
8 Signs You’re Not Stretching Enough

Did you have those times where your body just hurts on its own? Do you feel like somebody twisted your body after waking up in the morning? Are you having a hard time tying your shoelaces? Or, do you find yourself unable to concentrate while sitting at your office desk because your body feels uncomfortable?

Well, these might be the way that your body tells you that you need some time to stretch. You’d be surprised as to how much tension can affect your overall wellbeing. For many, stretching can be a godsend. It really has plenty of benefits to offer.

We suggest that you keep reading to know more about signs that you’re not stretching enough and don’t forget to thank us when your body feels better later on.

1. Bad Or Poor Posture


When your muscles are tense, it can lead to bad or poor posture. For example, you could end up standing or sitting differently to compensate for the pain you’re feeling in your back. Doing something like this to compensate for the pain can actually make things worse for your body.

In this case, you need to stretch your muscles to loosen them so your posture will improve and be corrected. Stretching will also help relax your body. When you sit or stand incorrectly, your back can develop problems. One of the main benefits of stretching is improving your posture. Good posture can also prevent the development of common aches and pains such as those of arthritis.

2. Tight Muscles

Muscles that aren’t constantly stretched tend to become tight and inflexible, and are more prone to injuries. It has been proven that regular stretching of the muscles helps to break up tight muscle groups and allows for easier and less stressful mobility.

3. Recurring Headaches


Do you feel like a headache is coming? If so, you need to stretch more. Why? Because headaches can also be caused by tense or swollen muscles found on your neck and lower back. The tense and swollen muscles can cause pressure on your spine’s nerve endings, which can then create pain that will run through your neck, head, and arms.

There are online websites like that offer assisted stretches and therapy. Assisted stretches like neck and shoulder stretches can help a lot in alleviating recurring headaches and the pain they can cause. If you don’t have time to get assisted stretches, you can also do it on your own office desk while you’re at work. These regular neck and shoulder stretches are effective in improving blood circulation to your neck muscles and reduce tension which are both great headache relief without having to rely on medicines.

4. Low Energy Levels

Do you feel constantly tired even though you have plenty of sleep and rest? It could be that your muscles are tense all the time that they end up using more energy.

You need to stretch these muscles so they become relaxed, elongated, and use less energy. You can do some yoga poses while you’re at your work. You don’t have to keep doing stretches all day. A couple of minutes is already enough to keep your body feel energized and ready for work.

5. You Are Always Stressed Out


Have you noticed that when you’re too stressed out, your shoulders and neck tend to tighten up? Stretching your body when you’re so stressed can be a big welcome relief against pressure, tension, and anxiety. Doing some yoga poses as a stretching exercise can do a lot in lowering your blood pressure and improving your breathing to help restore balance in your body.

6. You Always Get Injured

If you’re an athlete and you always get yourself injured whenever you do some basic training, it could be that you don’t stretch enough. An athlete won’t be able to perform at his best unless he takes care of his flexibility.
You can’t stress enough the importance of stretching exercises for athletes. If you don’t stretch, your muscles will become tense which prevents you from using the full range of motion of your joints, and as a result, your performance becomes limited. Aside from that, it also increases the risk of injuries.

When muscles are stiff or tense, it increases the likelihood of injuries. But when you stretch, it’ll loosen up your muscles, increase the range motion of your joints, and improve your balance which are all very helpful in preventing injuries.

7. You Often Fall & Trip

Another sign you’re not stretching enough is you often find yourself falling or tripping. If you find yourself being clumsy because of your age, it’s a telltale sign that your body is way too tense. When you stretch regularly, it gives you greater control over your muscle’s reflexes.

Stretching can help in strengthening your motor skills, body coordination, and balance so you can avoid falling or tripping all of a sudden.

8. You Feel Pain

Sometimes we forget that our body is interconnected. For example, if you experience back pain, it’s common sense to stretch out your back to relieve pain. But did you know that stretching your legs can also provide relief to your back? Stretching different parts of your body is important as it’s capable of providing pain relief to the parts of your body you may not have considered.

Stretching is even more important for people who are working out. If you feel pain during or before your workouts, you need to increase the amount of stretching exercises you do and incorporate these into your daily routine.

Stretching aims to improve the flexibility of your muscles and joints which can help relieve pain. Just keep in mind though that stretching will get rid of the pain entirely. Stretching aims to loosen up your muscles to reduce the risk of injuries and lower the pain levels you experience before, during, and after your workout sessions.

Final Thoughts

The importance of stretching exercises can’t be understated in regards to promoting good posture and overall wellbeing. By including stretching into your daily routine, it’ll greatly benefit you.

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