4 Tips That Will Support Your Recovery After Undergoing Rhinoplasty in 2024

Many people often think about changes in their appearance. The most common reasons are dissatisfaction with your appearance or the desire to change. Often these changes people want to make in order to increase the level of self-confidence and reduce mistrust in their appearance. So with the very desire to make the change, many people decide to start looking for a professional who will take care of the change, ie a professional who will turn the patient’s desire for surgery into reality, says surgery specialist Dr.Kristina Zakhary who has many years of experience with cosmetic surgery and facial corrections.
She adds that patients often think that the corrections they want are unrealistic, but when the professional knows his job, has enough experience behind him, very successful collaborations with his patients, then there is nothing that is impossible. So many patients have pre-planned changes that they want to make and present them to surgeons who are always looking to do their best to satisfy the patient’s desire and allow the change he wants to make on his own. face. After the correction is agreed upon, the operation is performed, after which the patient needs to rest in order to heal the place where the correction was made.
Whether you choose to have a nose job to correct a health issue or as a way to improve your appearance, expect the recovery to take some time. Generally, the recovery will take around six weeks, although cosmetic surgeons can provide more precise time frames based on the surgery’s complexity and other factors related to the patient. In any event, you do need to follow the surgeon’s advice if you want the recovery to move forward without any delays. Here are four tips that are sure to be included in the instructions.
1. Keep Your Head Elevated

After the correction, the patient needs to rest enough to recover easily and quickly from the procedure. In those moments he needs to spend most of his time at home. Why is that? This is so that he heals faster first of all, and then so that he does not get into a situation not wanting to touch the place where he was operated on or someone else to touch him without wanting. So relax, turn on the TV, listen to music, watch movies and series, play a game on your smartphone, but pay attention to the position in which you hold your body. You need to follow the doctor’s advice and lie in the right position.
While you will be counseled to avoid strenuous activity and take it easy for a time, the last thing you want to do is remain in a prone position. Feel free to stretch out on the sofa or the bed, but make sure you keep the head elevated. Ideally, it should be slightly higher than your torso at all times.
Keeping your head elevated helps to minimize the swelling. Use pillows while you lay down to read or watch television. The same goes for sleeping. You should also know that bending over and other activities that require your head to be lower than other parts of the body are not allowed.
2. Avoid the Temptation to Touch Your Nose

A bad habit that patients who make nose corrections hardly give up is to touch it and check if it is OK. Doctors recommend not touching the nose at all to allow the site to heal properly and easily without making a patient-induced omission that will lead to re-correction. So be careful.
There will be times when the nose itches or you just want to quickly check and see if the swelling seems to be subsiding. No matter what, do not touch your nose. Swabs or fingers should not be used to clear any of the drainage. Instead, allow it to seep into the bandages. They can be changed later.
If you feel the urge to sneeze, make sure you do so with your mouth open. This eases pressure on the nose and reduces the risk of causing any damage. When it comes to swelling, don’t place cold packs directly on the nose; place them on the cheeks or over the eyes. While not in direct contact, the cold will still help ease the swelling.
3. Keep the Bandages Dry

While the bandages will need to be changed due to the drainage, no other form of moisture should be involved. That means tub baths are out of the question for the time being. You may also want to look into getting some help with washing your hair, since nothing should touch the bandages and your head needs to remain elevated anyway.
For general personal hygiene, take a shower. Remember to adjust the shower head so that the stream of water is aimed at your shoulders and below. Using a washcloth to gently scrub the face while avoiding the nose is fine.
4. Tobacco and Alcohol Are Off the Table Until You’re Healed

While it’s fine to treat yourself during the recovery, some substances are to be avoided. One of them is tobacco products. Smoking can interfere with the healing process and may irritate the nasal passages. For now, leave the cigars or cigarettes for later.
Alcohol is something else you want to avoid. This is recommended for two reasons. First, alcohol consumption may slow the healing. Second, alcohol tends to lower inhibitions, which could mean you end up touching your nose or deciding to do something else that’s off the list for now.
When you decide to undergo any type of nasal surgery in Calgary, commit to following the surgeon’s instructions to the letter. Doing so improves the odds of enjoying a recovery period with no setbacks or complications. Remember that if something does seem unusual, a quick call to the surgeon is always in order.
And of course, after the operation, make sure you stay home, rest, and follow these tips we gave you because it will only help your nose heal faster so you can show off its new look.