
7 Things a Company Can Do to Support Remote Work

Organizations have been forced to enable remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While it has been relatively simple for businesses with established remote work rules and procedures, it may be more complex for some. What does it take for a company to provide the ideal possible support to its remote employees?

The first step is to guarantee that workers have the necessary tools and resources to be as productive as they would be at work. This implies that everyone should have the appropriate equipment and access to the relevant data and apps. At the same time, businesses must ensure that gadgets are adequately used and that data is kept secure, and teams must discover methods to connect online.

Read on to learn seven things a company can do to support remote work.

1. Keep Excellent Communication


Any remote employment must demand greater levels of contact than full-time, in-office positions. Ensure that the team communication between remote employees and the in-house team members is consistent, frequent, and transparent. By interacting with your team, you can ensure that they’re receiving what they need and keeping up with their job, enabling you to determine the best method to assist them when they’re working from home.

This may involve offering more knowledge, explaining how to perform things, or even an extra set of eyes to view their work in progress.

2. Encourage Customers to Honor Employees

Even if your firm has no specific policy on remote work, it might be crucial to make individual workers feel like they’re being acknowledged for their excellent work. This may be done by employing recognition methods like employee of the month awards, service awards, and other social media promotions that don’t take away from their concentration on their real job.

Moreover, if your employees directly engage with the customers, it will considerably affect their emotional wellness if the clients are rating them. The acknowledgment is tremendously helpful when you feel down to return to being your best.

3. Be Understanding and Flexible


Many workers are now required to be full-time caregivers for children, pets, and relatives while working full-time. When we strive to adapt to new obstacles in our homework settings, our work hours may need to be more flexible, starting earlier or finishing later. Organizations should focus on WHAT is being done rather than WHEN it is being done wherever feasible.

Similarly, a company must be sympathetic to employees who must leave the office for a few minutes to attend to home matters, when a dog barks, or when a kid interrupts a phone conversation. Organizations must recognize that only some have a tremendous remote-work environment.

4. Celebrate the Success of Employees

Being a working parent is stressful, and it may be difficult to strike a work-life balance. If your employees are working from home and extra, you should do everything you can to ensure you pay attention to compensate them. This is a basic yet frequent approach among totally remote organizations that thrive on remote working methods.

The most important thing is to be conscious of the obstacles and tensions that come with working remotely, and to make every attempt to assist them in succeeding. Otherwise, they may believe they are less regarded or appreciated than other workers.

5. Configure MDM Devices Remotely


Organizations can manage and safeguard their devices and data with a Mobile Device Management (MDM) platform by enforcing standard business regulations for all workers.

For instance, a company may verify that devices are appropriately set up and password-protected, and you can specify which settings, programs, and files should be loaded automatically on devices.

Organizations may utilize MDM to supply devices “hands-free,” requiring no staff interaction and assuring that devices are instantly available. Device administration becomes simpler when a single MDM platform supports all Android, Windows, iOS, and macOS devices.

6. Allow Employees to Use Needed Data and Applications

Employees who work from home must be aware that specific applications such as Sync to iPhone and corporate data are readily available to do their tasks without interruption. Companies may use MDM to ensure that their workers have the proper technology installed and functioning on their devices by remotely delivering programs. You may provide access to your company’s internal network by putting VPN settings on devices using MDM.

7. Be Realistic About What the Team Can Do Remotely


People operate differently at home than they do in the workplace. Some people are more productive at home, while others struggle to keep a balanced routine. If you are accustomed to working face-to-face with your team, arranging frequent virtual meetings, and agreeing on the projects, you can all concentrate independently. Making personal to-do lists for each day might help your staff remain focused while working from home.

Some people may only be able to perform some of what they would do in the workplace from home. Be honest with yourself and your colleagues about what is and isn’t achievable from home, and focus on what you can achieve.


Remote work is increasingly prevalent and may be valuable for businesses looking to minimize expenses or attract staff from distant locations. Keep the following ideas in mind to ensure you’re reaping the benefits of remote work without causing any more issues.

One of the most challenging aspects of this scenario is ensuring that everyone can work from home in a stress-free environment. Hence, it is critical to foster a culture in which remote workers are valued and respected by their coworkers and colleagues.

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