
Who is Stevie Ryan 2024

It was a somber holiday weekend when news broke that former VH1 star and youtuber Stevie Ryan passed. What was more shocking than her death at only 33 years old was the way she passed. According to reports Ryan committed suicide. And on the Fourth of July her ex boyfriend Drake Bell posted a tweet expressing his grief for her passing.

The former Nickelodeon star tweeted

No no no!!!! I can NOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!! Please wake me from this nightmare @StevieRyan I loved you and will forever miss you!

He posted this alongside a pic of Ryan and Bell on the red carpet at the Video Music Awards.

Throughout her career Stevie Ryan has always been vocal about her struggles with depression and mental illness. She spoke candidly about the disease on various outlets including her youtube videos. But it was comedy that gave her an escape from managing the disease.

Her celebrity impression garnered millions of views on her social media pages and caught the attention of tv producers. In 2014 VH1 gave the budding comedian her own sketch series. The show went on for two season and VH1 paid Ryan $250,000 before the series was canceled.

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