Yildiz’s Magnetic Motor Could Soon Be Available for Purchase

Energy Fanatics: In the last few decades, many inventors of magnetic motors have failed to take their “free energy” magnetic motors to the production and sales process. Magnetic motor is one of the types of free energy device that I am very interested in, because it is not too expensive to build and has great energy potential. Furthermore, well-built magnetic motors can last for decades and save consumers thousands of dollars every year. Let us hope that Mr. Yildiz will succeed where most magnetic motor inventors have failed. ~ PL
Regarding the newest prototypes, an associate said: “They are called Belluno 1 and Belluno 2. These are the prototypes manufactured in Belluno, Italy. Magnetic motors are not a dream anymore. Soon, they will be able to use them in their daily lives.”
Yildiz establishes joint stock company to start production – A public announcement released today states that starting January 1, production will begin of a 5 kW generator powered by Muammer YILDIZ’ all-magnet motor. The expected price will be 15,000 Euros, with delivery expected by the end of March. (PESN; November 27, 2014)
Here are some highlight excerpts:
From January 1st 2015, the production of magnetic rotators will be started for the power ranges of up to 5 kva.
The technical preparations for the power ranges over 5 kva, are being continued.
At first, a total of 2,000 units of 5 kva electric energy power generators will be released. (220 Volts, 25 Amperes)
The products will be delivered by the end of March 2015.
As of today, the centers of distribution are Turkiye, Italy and Germany.
Turkiye is the head office. All deliveries will be done to the distributors from Izmir.
To see terms of distributorship for other countries, please visit our website, and fill the contact form.
For production licensing and dealership, you may contact us in the same way.
It will be with the certifications of course. Payments will help us to go to the next steps.
We didn’t accept any money from big investors or banks, as they always asked to be a monopoly to get big shares of the main company. Yildiz wants to stand on his own legs, just with his customers — no other financial sources.
The first 2,000 units will be beta testers at the same time, so we will test many motors directly with our customers, within the guarantee.
Initial payments, pre requests, are needed to finance the products, because he doesn’t have any other financial resource yet. He decided to follow this way, after loosing so much time in the past. The public will save the invention as we hope.
Sterling: Does he have a running unit now that he’s basing this 5 kW system on?
Halil: Yes he has — much more efficient than the one that you have seen… And much smaller.