Jeon Clutterbuck

  • Uncategorized

    Finding the Right Spanish Translation Company to Localize Your Website

    Whether you are new to the global market or an experienced veteran you cannot shy away from the importance of localization. Localization is the process of adapting your text to a specific language or culture. A website that is properly localized should speak to your local audience on a comfort level best known to them. By choosing to localize your…

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  • Business

    What are the Benefits of Localizing Video Content?

    With the constant rise in technology, the usage of videos has become a vital method for effective global communications. From influencers using them across multiple social platforms, e-learning videos, to the variety of video streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime videos have become an essential part of all our lives. However, in today’s translingual world the mere translation…

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  • Business

    How to Improve Your E-Learning Translations in Six Easy Steps

    As more companies begin to expand their business to a global platform, they are heavily dependent on e-learning training modules as a best practice method. E-learning refers to the use of multimedia sources such as the online web, a computer, or even a simple video and utilizes it for training purposes. However, addressing a world where there are more than…

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  • Marketing

    Chatbots Geek-Sexy

    If you are yet to use chatbots on your e-Commerce platform, the quality of your customer care is deficient. Also, if you haven’t engaged the providers of marketing translation services to translate and localize your chatbot’s content, you have miles to cover before you satisfy your global audience. So, where do you start? Contentech, a language service provider (LSP), is here…

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