
  • The Healing Properties of Water Stored in Copper

    During my childhood days, I remember my mother storing water in a copper vessel and asking us to drink it after 7-8 hours. She claimed that water when stored in a copper vessel was extremely healthy for the mind and body. Now when I see these ancient customs reemerging, I look back and think, I should have taken my mom’s…

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  • Waking Up From Awakening

    For those of us who are currently experiencing the awakening of consciousness taking place on this planet right now, there are many rabbit holes we can fall down that lead us to believe we are fully conscious and awake when we are really waking up out of one layer of the world dream at a time. No two paths are…

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  • Chemtrail Flu — Are Chemtrails Making YOU Sick?

    Chemtrails are a widely debated phenomena: are they real? Are they just the talk of crazy conspiracy theorists? Regardless, people across the world who believe in them have one thing in common: severe illnesses and ailments that all seem to align with chemtrails. People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals…

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  • Ascension Symptoms – Spring 2016

    Physical If you have been feeling less-than-stellar lately but can’t identify the cause, chances are you’ve got ‘ascension flu’. Despite the name, this doesn’t mean that you’re sick. Ascension flu has similar symptoms to the real flu, but the cause is not viral. It means you are experiencing physical sensations in your body due to the shifting frequencies of our…

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  • The FDA Just Outlawed CBDs and Hemp Oil Extracts by Claiming All Plant Molecules Now Belong Exclusively to Big Pharma

    I’m issuing a huge correction/clarification to this story after speaking with people in the hemp industry. They’ve pointed out that my article, although posted with the best intentions to help keep CBDs legal and readily available, was freaking out CBD retailers who thought some sort of new law had been passed outlawing CBDs. In no way did I intend to…

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  • How to Naturally Treat Toothache and Tooth Infection

    How to Naturally Treat Toothache and Tooth Infection We have all been affected by toothache in some period of our lives and we all know how bothering and unbearable it could be. The reasons for the toothache can be different and among the most common are: damage or loss of teeth, tooth decay, infections and removal of a certain tooth.…

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  • So You’ve Woken Up… Now What?

    Many people ask about this or something similar so here are some thoughts on the subject. I don’t mean to tell anyone what to do, as that’s completely contrary to consciousness and conscious development, but I will share my understandings at this point and my passion for Truth and you can do what you like with it. Question: “What do…

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  • Depopulation: Zika Virus Funded By Bill Gates

    The current global outbreak of the Zika virus may have originated from GM mosquitoes that were released in Brazil during trials funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Zika virus, which has been detected in 18 of the 26 states in Brazil, is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. A generically modified version has been developed by a…

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  • What Nobody Ever Told You About Diffusing Essential Oils

    When you think of essential oils, you naturally think that it makes the house smell good. This is just one part of essential oils because there are health benefits that are applied to breathing in oils. When smelling essential oils through the nose it signals to the brain and goes to work on systems of our body and mind. Why…

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  • 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Lychee Fruit

    The rough, red leathery skin of the lychee fruit contrasts with the white, creamy fruit inside. Originating in China, lychee (sometimes spelled litchi) is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and fragrant flavor. Lychees are typically enjoyed fresh; remove a bit of the skin and then squeeze the aril — the fleshy part around the seed — into your…

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