
  • GWEN Towers – ELF Scalar Mind Control Weapons

    This article is an overview of how we are controlled by technology – from having our brainwaves deliberately changed en masse by transmitters regulating our state of consciousness, to how we are victims of electromagnetic waves disrupting the state of our health and finally how many of us will die, as decided by our global masters. Earth is wrapped in…

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  • True Shape of the Black Knight Satellite Revealed?

    The Black Knight is a mysterious ship that orbits around the Earth before the modern Space Age. Its origin, as well as its function, is unknown but different images of this object exist. The images have been taken by NASA. In the following video,na we show you a long and comprehensive investigation to reconstruct, with the little available information of…

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  • Evidence Of Parallel Universes

    It’s time for some exciting news from the world of physics and cosmology. A Caltech cosmologist recently announced he was found evidence of parallel universes! If that’s true and can be confirmed, it means our Universe is just one of many universes co-existing next to each other. The idea that our Universe could be a small component within a vast…

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  • David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries Have Been Solved!

    A tidal wave of incredible new intel came smashing in over the last two weeks and heavily affected the outcome of The Ascension Mysteries. The manuscript is now complete and it is by far the most awesome thing David has ever written! REALLY ASTONISHING STUFF The “real world” is so much different than the lies we have been fed, all…

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  • What is the Ether, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy?

    My understanding of the ether is that it is the invisible energy “substance” that exists behind the fabric of space-time. Every thought is manifested in the ether before it is manifested in the material world. The ether holds the Cosmos together and is the “space” where imaginary, past, present, and future information are stored. In other words, no one has…

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  • Will You Be Entering The Rainbow Portal?

    Our planet is reaching a point in the cosmos where almost all the planets can be seen by Earth and will be in complete alignment with all the sentient beings on its surface. This alignment is a time to assess where your personal alignments in your emotional and energetic realm are. You are such a dynamic being, the light or…

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  • Bright UFO caught on tape over Gatlinburg, Tennessee

    Here’s one interesting video of a ring-shaped object hovering in the sky above Gatlinburg, Tennessee. This was filmed on Wednesday, 16th March 2016.

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  • Nassim Haramein Interview From The Conscious Life Expo

    Physicist Nassim Haramein is a pioneer in quantum mechanics, unified field theory and energy research. He has dedicated his life to the investigation and the deep study of physics, sacred geometry, chemistry, biology, archeology and mathematics. Nassim leads the Resonance Project and directs and leads a team of physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and scientists with the purpose of exploring and…

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  • Tai Chi Master Shares the Seven Secrets of Cultivating Qi Energy in the Body

    There are seven core principles for cultivating the powerful, innate healing energy known as Qi in the body. These practices will unlock your ability to harness this sacred force and direct it around the body at will for various healing and rejuvenation purposes. It can also be transferred to others if they are open and receptive to this type of…

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  • The Lost Continent of Lemuria

    Most people know about the existence of Atlantis. However, most people do not know about Lemuria or the Legend of Mu A Short History of Lemuria The legend of Mu is found on islands all over the Pacific Ocean. For thousands of years the Polynesians have handed down the story of a continent in the Pacific that was motherland of…

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