
7 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Wall Art For Your Office in 2024

Many studies have indicated that offices painted in gray, beige, or plain white encourage employees, particularly women, to feel unhappy and depressed. Men, on the other hand, are influenced by dark colors such as purple or dark orange. Aside from making an impact on our mood, colors and wall art can have a significant impact on our productivity & positivity. Scientists have previously conducted extensive research into how the office environment influences the desire to go to work every day, and the desire to stay there for the whole day. That’s why it’s best to decorate the place with a lively mixture of stimulating tones and art that increase and encourage creativity. Art comes in different shapes and sizes, and now you have a chance to choose the one that suits your personal preference

7 tips for choosing the perfect wall art for your office

1. Personalize it


An office is a place where most people spend a lot of time, and it’s important to have something there “of your own”. You can personalize the walls with art paintings or posters that you particularly like. However, it would be wonderful if such paintings and posters could be blended into the office’s design so that they don’t appear cheesy. Besides, if you want to go a step further and personalize the space even more, you can go with your family portrait. Make sure that your space reflects & shows you as a person. It is such a nice personal touch.

2. Use creative quotes

Since an office is a space where you’re supposed to show your productivity and motivation, and people should mainly focus on work, it’s always a good option to decorate your walls with motivational quotes. In fact, you will probably spend 40-50 hours each week within this tight space, so why not make it motivational? You can also choose to display some of the most important goals and beliefs that you have achieved and valued to create a welcoming and happy environment for everybody who enters.

3. Use shelves with pieces of art


If you’re not a fan of paintings or photographs hanging on the wall but are still an artistic soul, you can always choose to decorate your office walls with shelves, on which you can put different pieces of art. However, you don’t have to limit yourself only to these art pieces, but can also put the books there or anything that you think might go with the office design. Nonetheless, don’t exaggerate, since you may create a kitschy design, and it’s unnecessary!

4. Expensive doesn’t necessarily mean good

A long time ago, businessmen and businesswomen used to put on different kinds of expensive artwork on their walls to show their wealth, spending a lot of money on innovative work. Well, that’s not necessary. Expensive doesn’t fundamentally mean good and artistic. instead of spending a lot of money on one painting, photograph, or poster, you can find really good ones for a smaller price, and you get a chance to change them more frequently. It sounds like a better idea, doesn’t it?!

5. Wall drawings to enhance creativity and productivity


As has been already mentioned, bright colors and artwork in the working space can enhance creativity and productivity among employees. You might choose a different sort of wall art for your office if you want to take it a step further and be a little more daring. Then, you can choose wall drawings, or even stickers, which now come in different sizes and colors. If you know a good painter, then you can call him and give him a chance to express his creativity on top of your walls. You will have a unique piece of art right in front of you!

6. Use a wall to tell an artistic story

Making an office lively and cozy can be a difficult task for some people, and they often ask for the help of professionals. You can always use their help of course, but maybe you can try to be creative this time. A wall is like a canvas, you can turn it into a piece of art using different shapes and sizes. Moreover, you can use it to tell an artistic story – putting different frames with different photographs that tell a story is a great way to decorate your office. You can use photographs from your trips, places that you visited, animals you saw, or anything you like. Either way, anytime someone comes into your office, you’ll have a fun story to tell.

7. Hang frames wisely


If you’re planning on doing the aforementioned idea, and want to use a wall to tell a story, it’s important to hang those frames wisely, so it doesn’t look like you just put them there in random order. There needs to be some kind of cohesiveness. When hanging a set of frames, make sure that the larger pieces are at the bottom left and the smaller ones are at the top right, with mid-sized ones in the between. On the other hand, if you only have one huge piece and a few smaller ones, then hang the larger in the center as a focal point. For appropriate spacing, you should leave 2-5 inches between each one. By doing so, you’ll have nicely organized frames telling a story, and it won’t look crowded.

Time to decorate your space!

Whether you are working from home or you go to the office every day, it is imperative to make the space comfy & cozy. If you still haven’t discovered the perfect wall art for your office, click here to see some contemporary pieces that will make an impression on anybody who walks in. Using butterflies’ installation on different shapes, sizes, animals, and even guns and skulls, SN creates one-of-a-kind pieces of art that will make a wow-effect on everyone. Go through the gallery and find the one you like the most and that speaks to you the loudest, you will be overwhelmed with the selection.

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