
Things to Consider When Choosing a Press Release Distribution Service

Getting your press release distributed to a wider audience is the ultimate goal in sharing information about your brand or website and increases your public relations endeavors. Reaching more journalists, bloggers, and social and digital media influencers will help disseminate the details in your press release. This action can be facilitated by using a press release distribution service. Whether you are running an established business or starting a new venture, choosing a press release distribution service should start with taking into account certain considerations.

What are the Basics of Press Release Distribution Services?


Пре него што уопште размишљате о избору услуге дистрибуције саопштења за штампу, морате да утврдите које ће користи услуга донети вашем предузећу или кампањи. Услуге дистрибуције саопштења могу се поделити у две категорије. Једна од могућности је услуга аутоматске дистрибуције, позната и као ПР вести. Ова врста услуге шаље ваше саопштење за штампу на мрежи и укључена је као део сажетка е-поште. Ваше саопштење за штампу, заједно са многим другима који користе услугу, шаљу се новинарима из низа медијских публикација.

Manual distribution service, on the other hand, entails using tools to independently distribute your press release to different sources, through PR outreach. This involves directly pitching the story ideas in your press release to the prospects within these sources. From there, it is necessary to continue nurturing a relationship with these media contacts, so as to maintain and grow your audience base.

What are the Benefits of Press Release Distribution Services?


A key area of concern for a distribution service’s press release clients would be the added expense in using their services. A cost comparison utilizing pricing information can facilitate the decision-making process regarding which service to utilize. Due to the added expense, you should evaluate the return on investment (ROI) by weighing the benefits you will gain with the cost of using the service.

There are certain advantages in getting your press releases distributed professionally. Namely, accessing a number of media channels in the form of newspapers, radio, and television news bulletins, social media and website blogs, as well as podcasts can be achieved with less effort than utilizing manual distribution methods.

In enlisting the services of a press release distributor, you can also take advantage of their capabilities of mass dissemination of information in a relatively shorter amount of time. For new businesses and ventures or those with novel ideas, this feature might prove to be a more important PR and marketing strategy. A sizable investment in time is often needed to generate a list of media outlets and to contact journalists without professional assistance in order to obtain the same kind of results.

What Effects Result from Reaching a Wider Audience?


A further consequence of gaining wider coverage for your press release is the ability to attain a greater number of backlinks or additional website linkages from other websites to your own. This outcome has the potential to elevate the share of traffic from your website’s organic search results and in theory, site visits can contribute to a many-fold higher increase than if you just relied on manual techniques.

Even if this phenomenon does not occur, a higher probability exists for your website or brand to get noticed through being exhibited in multiple news services and online media platforms that feature your press release. Essentially, this is a PR tool that press release distributors rely upon.

However, there is some debate amongst PR specialists as to whether automated distribution methods aimed at augmenting the number of backlinks actually translate into significant increases in website visits by your targeted audience. The rationale behind this line of reasoning stems from the fact that journalists get inundated with press release information and tend to ignore most of what is sent to them. A similar argument can be made about creating brand awareness amongst media personnel.

Additionally, an investment in time is still necessary before you recruit the assistance of a press release distribution service. Work must be done to finalize your press release by adding accompanying images and videos, as well as incorporating hyperlinks before you upload the finished product.

Despite these criticisms involved in using press release distribution services, the ROI and benefits in distributing press releases using newswire services can still be obtained. The key to achieving these outcomes is in finding a service that can tailor a PR outreach approach that meets the specific needs and attributes of your business or organization.

What is the Cost of Using a Press Release Distribution Service?


If you decide to sign up to use the services of a press release distributor, the costs associated will range according to your distribution needs. Choosing to only stream your information on select news and media sites is an affordable option that will cost you under $100 a month.

Distribution of your press release on newswire services such as Cision PR newswire can run up expenses for your company from about $400 to well over $1000. The lower end of the price range will enable only local distribution and the higher end will extend your access to more international audiences, including a carefully chosen group of media journalists, blog writers, and online influencers that are subscribed to the service.

Other factors such as the word count in your press release and additional newswire services you decide to sign on with would also add to your costs. Regardless of the services you choose to take advantage of, a responsive press release distribution service should offer your business or organization a complimentary evaluation to determine how press release distribution services can suit your needs. Subsequently, a distribution plan can be customized according to your company’s needs and unique characteristics.

In choosing a press release distribution service to circulate your press release to a more extensive audience base, weighing the benefits derived from using a press distribution service with the potentially substantial costs that can be incurred from subscribing to multiple features offered by a distributor can be a daunting task. Examining the ROI is an important course of action and will facilitate the decision in selecting which options to sign up for with your press release distribution service.

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