
MKUltra & Project Monarch Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien On Her Groundbreaking New Book

Cathy O’Brien — MKULTRA Survivor

Cathleen Ann O’Brien is a victim of a mind-control government project named Project Monarch, which she said was part of the CIA’s Project MKULTRA for behavioral engineering of humans (mind control).

Cathy O’Brien’s groundbreaking original book, TRANCEformation of America, can be read online for free and is also available from Amazon.


covertTRANCE Formation of America was originally written, in graphic detail, for the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight in 1995, seven years after Mark Phillips rescued my daughter Kelly and I from our White House/Pentagon level MK-Ultra mind control victimization. We had previously been stopped from presenting our compiled eyewitness testimonies, supporting medical documents and hard evidence to all local, state, and federal legal bodies for so-called “reasons of National Security”. Once it became clear that we would not be able to address the Congressional Committee, TRANCE was released en masse in the form of a self-published book. It is now in its eighth printing, and is rapidly spanning the globe.

About the Richie Allen Show


The show features up to the minute news analysis by researchers, journalists and academics who are ignored by the corporate-controlled media, as well as featuring activists from all around the world who are making a difference in their communities every day. People are tired of hearing about the problems, they want to hear of positive solutions.

That is why the show, while challenging the mainstream medias version of events, focuses heavily on the men and women who are trying to cause a seismic shift in the current paradigm. The skype line to the show will be open for listeners to call in and have their say. There will be no censorship.

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