
5 Money-Saving Tips When Buying a TV Online

Choosing the perfect TV for your home should be a pleasant and memorable experience that will allow you to bring a new dimension of entertainment into your home. In today’s sea of information about technical features, techno slang, and marketing tricks that overwhelm you wherever you turn when looking for information and tips for buying your new TV, it’s hard to stay calm and not feel lost in the search. All of a sudden you wish to go back to the times when it was simple – you go to the store, and buy a TV. However, we live in a time where most things are purchased online. It’s the reason why we have decided to write about tricks you can apply when shopping for your new TV online, that will also save you money.

But before we start with the money-saving tips, let’s mention one key feature which should always be considered first, when buying a new TV. It’s the screen size. What is the best screen size for you and your family? That is the question you need to start from. It often happens to us after buying our new TV, we read the feedback from other customers who regret not buying a bigger screen. To avoid these situations and help you get to know yourself better, we will start the story in a different way.

Why is the screen so important?

The first reason and you have probably heard, seen, or read this, many times by now, is that we human beings are visual beings. We perceive the world around us with all 5 basic senses, but no other sense has such a dramatic impact on our lives as the sense of sight.

The human brain…The second reason is a little deeper in nature and is found in our brains. A human brain is a fascinating machine, an organic computer, call it whatever you want. Go through all the important elements of the screen by visiting, in order to decide what type you need, and search for the best deal you can find online.

As for the money-saving tips, read what we have prepared below.

1. Compare prices


As is the case with any other item you buy, not every online shop has the same price for the same item. What you should pay attention to is the reputation of the shop you’re buying from. Choose two or three reliable ones, and compare the prices of the TV model you like. Also, pay attention to additional costs, because delivery costs can also be different, and will affect the overall amount you spend in the end. So, if you find prices to be significantly different, choose to buy from the shop that suits you best.

2. Go for the older model

Technology advances all the time, and it is the ace in your sleeve when it comes to shopping. As new models are set to come out on the market, the previous ones will become “outdated”, and cheaper. In reality, there’s not much difference, which is exactly why our second money-saving trick is about choosing “older” models. You would be surprised about the difference in the price, they get quite cheaper.

Here’s an example of how it works. A manufacturer is about to launch a new 2024 series of smart TV models, and the retailers know this. Now they need to get rid of as much as the old ones from the storage, as possible. So, they announce a discount. The best deals are usually found on models which arrived at the store two or three years ago.

3. Wait for the sales


The most obvious way of finding a good deal, and saving some money is the annual sales. As they go by the same pattern every year, you already know that the biggest sales are offered for example, around holidays like Christmas. However, even though the deals are good, you may not have the biggest choice, as you’ve been expecting to. Or, a model you planned to buy may not be on the sale. It’s worth a wait, though.

4. Go for the lesser-known brands

Certain TV brands will always have higher prices, and if you cannot afford to buy those, but you want a model with the same features, go for the lesser-known brand names. Some can offer the same quality for less money. The only downfall could be the repair if something happens. Even though you have the warranty, it could be challenging to find a suitable place for repair. If this is something you don’t care about, then lesser-known brands are an excellent money-saving trick.

5. Don’t fall for an extended warranty


Shops, online or not, often like to promote extended warranty for certain products. This has a psychological effect on buyers. They automatically think that the model with such a warranty is safer for buying because a seller promises a quality that lasts longer. While in reality, it is only to lure people to choose this model. It has absolutely nothing to do with quality. Besides, those who read the warranty on products they buy will notice that almost every manufacturer gives a year of warranty for the parts, and not such an attractive one for the labor. The chances of something being in need of a repair in the first year are lower than 5 %. Therefore, an extended warranty is not worth your money.

So, if you apply these simple 5 tricks, you’ll surely end up satisfied with your online TV shopping experience. Moreover, you’ll have some extra money in your pocket to spend on additional equipment, for example, to make the movie night experience complete.

Those who plan their expenditures, and do not just go and buy the first models of the products they see, end up saving quite a lot of money. Why not follow the same pattern if it appears to be effective and smart?

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