
How To Prepare A Site For Oilfield Construction – 2024 Guide

In the current energy crisis, we are not surprised by the idea of launching new oil wells that will provide us with energy reserves. However, oil rigs and wells won’t spring up just like that. Even when you find a potential source, you should do all the preparations and work that precedes the installation of the oilfield construction. Therefore, we will deal with these things in our guide for 2024. Here’s how to prepare a site for oilfield construction.

Today, Oil Exploitation Gains In Its Importance


Today, oil and gas have become the most important energy sources. With the emergence of the energy crisis, many things began to change. However, with the onset of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, much of the world has felt the crisis in their surroundings. Therefore, today the issues of gas and oil reserves have become a burning issue all over the world. What we already know is that only a small part of oil or gas comes out of the ground through its natural path. Therefore, for the exploitation of these energy sources, a “human factor” is necessary. Of course, petroleum engineering has made significant progress compared to the times of the former oil exploration. Today, technology has significantly advanced, taking into account not only energy profits and the economy – but also the reduction of drilling costs and the implementation of new methods within this industry.

What Precedes The Start Of Work On An Oil Field?

Today we use modern technologies to accomplish better and greater exploitation of oil. Although we are facing challenges in the production of oil and oil derivatives – we can say that new oil platforms and oilfields are emerging every day. The fact is, we are exploiting black gold by working tirelessly on platforms and wells – but work is also needed to prepare for this entire process. Namely, you can’t just get to the location where you will drill and start a business. A lot of preparatory work is necessary that precedes this whole procedure. Let’s look at some of the important things that need to be done on the oilfield site before we start oil exploitation.

Preparing A Site For Oilfield Construction

As we already mentioned, the procedure of exploiting oil fields is preceded by a lot of work. That primarily refers to the matter concerning the preparation of the terrain – but also the preventive protection of the environment. That is why these preparatory works are of enormous importance and carry a great responsibility. In addition, the location must be thoroughly secured – so that the subsequent construction of the oil field is safe. Here is what needs to be done on that occasion.

1. Feasibility and environmental impact studies


We all know that oil exploitation requires large investments. That is why you must have a valid project in front of you with all the accompanying documentation. Namely, business decisions are often quick – but they are not always the right ones. We are often witnessing a large number of missed investments, which is why it is necessary to do a feasibility study. In addition, the state itself is most often involved in the oil well business – so this step goes even without saying. There is also an environmental impact study. It regulates the impact assessment procedure for projects that may have significant impacts on our environment.

2. Provide spacious access to the site

This is probably the first and most important thing to do after collecting the documentation. Namely, when you start with the development and work on the preparation of the location – you must first deal with the access to the site. That is important because it will enable mechanization, vehicles, and machines to get to the oil field. While this is one of the basic items – you wouldn’t believe how often it happens people ignore it for unjustified reasons.

Most often, the investor desires to save some money – but this is something you should not save on. Otherwise, it may happen that vehicles, machines, or machinery necessary for clearing the terrain cannot pass to the place where the oil field is located. That usually leads to additional costs, slowing down the work – and finally, it’s becoming very unprofitable. Besides, according to, you will also need vehicles and machinery for recultivation after exploiting the oil field. This is probably already planned in your feasibility study, but you have to keep it in mind and make sure everything is right before the work starts.

3. Deforestation and vegetation clearing


The thing that must also be done before the start of work is clearing the vegetation. Namely, shrubs, trees, and other plants must be removed from the site, for your work to be possible. The method of vegetation removal, as well as the amount of vegetation you are allowed to remove, must also be foreseen by your feasibility study. Also, this procedure must be performed following applicable laws – and, above all, safe for people and the environment.

4. Make suitable substrates for the oilfield construction

When you have done all the previous steps in the oilfield – the next step is to make the construction of the oil well. You have to be very careful and precise here. Namely, the oil drilling site must be properly constructed to ensure that you can perform oil drilling in that place. You have to make sure that the entire procedure is reliable, environmentally safe, and efficient. For this purpose, so-called oilfield cushions are used, which are mostly made of materials such as concrete, asphalt, and gravel – but also shells or wooden or some other construction material. Their task is to determine something like a temporary drilling site – after which oil field tests are performed.

5. Making an additional pit


Making an additional pit is necessary primarily due to the need for dumping discarded material such as stones, drilling mud, or water. That should be a temporary pit dug into the ground where these materials will be disposed of.

The Bottom Line

From all the above, it is clear that the preparation for oil drilling is a very extensive job. Preparing a site for oilfield construction, in itself, requires a lot of work and preparation. Skilled workers, mechanization, and many more things are at stake. After that, oil exploitation begins – and the real work only then begins.

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