
4 Signs Your Foot Pain Is More Serious Than You Thought

Many activities you perform daily often require you to use your feet. For example, walking around the house or standing up naturally puts pressure on your lower extremities. Hence, it’s not unusual for them to feel fatigued and occasionally hurt after a long and tiring day.

However, you shouldn’t ignore the pain you feel on your feet since they play a vital role in your everyday life. They may also indicate more severe problems in your body, so it’s best to pay attention to how they feel. If you start to observe unexplained pain or other symptoms in your feet, you may need to visit your doctor immediately.
Here are four signs you can watch out for that may indicate more serious foot complications:

1. Small Movements Are Also Painful


It’s normal for your feet to become sore after strenuous activity. For instance, trekking or long-distance running for hours will exhaust your feet due to the stress you put them in. Usually, the pain you’ll feel will subside after a few hours or a good night’s rest. However, if you start to feel discomfort on any part of your foot, even with regular movements like walking, it may signify more serious health complications.

For example, if you always endure pain in your heel, you may be suffering from Plantar Fasciitis. This foot problem may make it difficult for you to apply pressure on your heels and wear tight or ill-fitting shoes.
If the illness isn’t serious, you can address it by using shoes with additional heel support or taking anti-inflammatory medications until your heel’s condition goes back to normal. But if your case is too severe, you may require surgery to fix your foot. You may visit this site if you wish to learn more about the condition and treatment options.

2. Your Feet Are Swollen


Various foot conditions may inflame your feet and cause them to swell. For example, one common cause of foot pain and swelling is a sprain. This can occur when you perform a sudden motion causing a tear in your ankles’ ligaments. An excessive external force applied on your ankle and feet may also cause a sprain and lead to swelling. In some cases, this foot problem can be addressed with remedies, like rest and ice compression.

Other health complications may also start to manifest symptoms in your foot. For instance, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, your toes and joints may swell due to your condition. If this happens, you’ll experience pain on your feet and have a limited range of motion.

Fortunately, you can receive various treatments to lessen the swelling and pain in your lower extremities. Medication and physical therapy can help you manage your ailment and also alleviate the pain you’re feeling on your feet.

3. Your Foot Has a Flat Arch


Pain isn’t the only symptom of more serious foot problems you should watch out for. If you start to develop flat feet, you may also need to visit a doctor and ask for a consultation. It’s normal for your feet to have a slight arch in the middle to support your body and help distribute your weight evenly.

However, some activities like sports or your natural physical structure may contribute to a slightly fallen arch. The overpronation of your feet will add more stress to your lower limbs and joints. As a consequence, you may experience pain whenever you move your lower extremities.

You may experience discomfort every time you put your feet on the ground if their structure is altered. Your posture may also be compromised if you develop a flat arch. Hence, it’s best to get yourself checked once you see a change in the appearance and shape of your feet.

4. You Experience Numbness or Tingling

Some health conditions in your body may start to manifest their symptoms in your feet. For example, if you have diabetes, you may feel a tingling or painful sensation in your lower limbs. This can be due to diabetic neuropathy, which damages your nerves. If you experience pain in your feet even without any known reason, you may need to get yourself checked.

In addition, other health conditions like multiple sclerosis may also cause numbness or tingling in your feet. The nerves located at your feet may be compromised due to a health problem and cause the numbness or tingling sensation you feel. This can also be accompanied by pain since your nerves aren’t functioning properly.

If you have an uneven sensation on your feet or experience numbness and pain, you may need to immediately inform your doctor about your symptoms. You may need to take medications or treatments to keep your condition under control.

How To Care for Your Feet?

Like the other parts of your physique, your feet also need proper care to function well and remain healthy. Thus, it would be helpful if you try to practice healthy habits to ensure they’re in good condition. Here are some ways you can practice to lessen the pain and discomfort on your feet.

  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: One common reason you may feel pain is due to the footwear you use. For instance, wearing heels or tightly closed shoes will put your feet in a strained position and lead to soreness. Hence, it’s best to select shoes that’ll provide ample support to your feet and ankles. This way, you can maintain the health and structure of your feet. PlantarFasciitisRunner provides a comprehensive shoes review for plantar fasciitis sufferers.
  • Exercise Your Feet: Frequent exercise is a healthy practice you can incorporate into your routine to take care of your feet. Stretching and moving your lower extremities will encourage blood flow and help you manage any pain you may experience.
  • Visit A Podiatrist: If you start to experience unexplained or prolonged pain in your feet, it’s best to consult your doctor. You may have more severe health complications that require medical attention. Consulting an expert will allow you to identify the cause of your pain and also get treatment to ease your condition.

Final Thoughts

Caring for your feet is essential in preserving your overall health. After all, they’re one of the most used parts of your body. So, if you start to experience frequent pain in your feet, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice and get your condition checked.

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