
The Best Solutions for Humane Conditions in Poultry Farming

For the business to stand out in the fast-growing and competitive market, it is crucial to be aware of the latest novelties and significant changes in the industry the business specializes in. Poultry farming is one of the most demanded marketing trends, which requires specific approaches and equipment to drive business at a reliable level.

TEXHA is the most suitable and top-ranking company with in-depth tailored solutions and provision for long-term assistance in poultry equipment maintenance. It is globally recognized for excellent innovative solutions to offer a humane approach to keeping birds on farms of different sizes. Accordingly, its business strategy involves profitable solutions for large factories and small farms at an attractive price. So, it enables the poultry farming businesses to scale and improve by meeting market conditions and supplying premises to birds.

Unique Equipment of Own Production

Source: fginsight.com

Whatever objective the poultry farming business puts forward, whether egg or meat production, poultry equipment manufacturer texha.com is one of the global leaders who offer effective and in-house designed equipment in poultry farming.

Following the innovation due to limiting the cage housing use adopted in the USA and Europe, the company has developed unique solutions to keep birds in favorable conditions and scale the business.

Diversified Poultry Equipment Implementation

TEXHA is aware of what each poultry farm owner needs to drive the business in the farming industry and bring it to significant outcomes. The main offerings of the company are producing and distributing the following solutions:

  • cage poultry equipment for laying hens;
  • broiler cages systems;
  • poultry equipment for grandparent flock;
  • cage-based poultry farm equipment for pullets;
  • cage-free poultry house equipment for laying hens and broiler chickens;
  • cage-free egg production systems for hens;
  • deep litter system of poultry housing suitable for broiler chickens;
  • deep litter system of poultry housing for breeder flock;
  • feeding and drinking systems for poultry farms;
  • design and construction of turnkey poultry house equipment;
  • climatic equipment for poultry;
  • egg handling, grading, and packing machines;
  • automated litter removal conveyors;
  • automated chicken feeding and egg-collection machinery;
  • automation of depopulation and harvesting processes for broiler cage equipment;
  • additional poultry house equipment: ventilation, lighting, water treatment station, environmental systems,
  • energy-saving system.

Therefore, the automation implemented in all poultry management processes allows the customer to save resources, eliminate human interaction, create more favorable conditions for poultry growing and management, improve the quality of the end product, etc. Due to the manufacturer’s production, Ukraine, North and South America, CIS countries, and Russia have started modernizing their farming technologies.

Cage Free Solutions

Source: zootecnicainternational.com

Cage-free equipment for egg production involves poultry housing like Baltika-2 and Baltika-4. They enable the birds to move freely around the premises and provide comfortable nests for laying hens. Thus, the birds feel free during the day and enter the cage to lay eggs when it is time. In addition, these poultry housing equipment is assisted with life support systems, including egg collection and litter removal systems, that assure a healthy and comfortable living environment for hens and affect egg-laying performance positively.

MaxGrow is a multi-level poultry house for broiler production. Each housing floor is fitted with respective broiler chicken equipment supplied with slattered floor and living environment support. EGGoist is a complex premise that contains up to 4 levels of cage-free egg production systems.

Each level is implemented with the slattered floor without bedding and life support systems like feeding, drinking, and litter removal. In addition, the premise is supplemented with an EGGstream automated egg collection and handling system.

Services on Poultry Equipment

Alongside the humane poultry equipment production, the international company offers versatile support through installation, maintenance, and technological services.

Installation service

Source: invoice.ng

The company provides installation service to their customers who apply all types of the brand’s poultry equipment. The Installation Department of professional engineers offers two service options:

  • supervised installation: they are responsible only for operational management and installation control;
  • full installation: the installation and implementation are completely organized by engineers.

Each inbstallation work is under warranty.

Maintenance service

The Maintenance Department is ready to maintain each poultry equipment the customer purchased and implemented from the company in order to prevent and avoid any failures that can occur during the life of the equipment. Thus, by maintenance service, they ensure:

  • repair operations and troubleshooting;
  • equipment diagnostics;
  • order of spare parts;
  • training of the customer’s technical personnel as part of the facility commissioning.

They also offer both warranty and post-warranty repair and maintenance.

Technological service

Source: israel21c.org

The Technological Center of experts provides a versatile work with customers considering a range of influencing factors. Thus, the main services contain:

  • calculation of the poultry flock size required to achieve the pre-defined meat and egg production volume;
  • poultry feed ration planning;
  • technological support at any stages of flock loading, breeding, and management;
  • advice and consulting regarding poultry rearing and management.

In addition, the unique poultry equipment offered by the company is implemented in 33 countries, and its client base is continuously extending. This fact ensures its high reputation and brand awareness in the farming industry around the world.

Moreover, all the state-of-the-art and ready-to-use equipment comply with international requirements and product quality standards. Such a company’s commitment makes it demanded as they use high-quality material that doesn’t harm the birds and offer warranties for various services.

Business Engagement

The R&D department of the company constantly works on tailoring new equipment and advancing the existing to perfect the poultry farm conditions and make the partners’ business succeed. Thus, they offer ready-to-use solutions with built-in facilities to start up the business immediately.

Furthermore, the company collaborates by accepting turnkey projects on farm premises construction and related infrastructure from scratch. In addition, the design and sales departments are ready to outline the project to meet the customer’s needs and requirements that can depend on the local legislation system, climatical and environmental factors, and others.

Successful outcomes will not wait for long when cooperating with TEXHA company. They are leaders in the commercial poultry farming market and experts in providing innovative poultry equipment to scale the business and improve the demanded product.

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