
  • Health

    Can STDs Up the Risk of Cerebral Palsy in Newborns?

    Untreated Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been linked to a plethora of health issues in both expecting mothers and their children. But can a STD cause a lifelong debilitating condition such as cerebral palsy in a newborn on its own? If left untreated, some STDs have been linked to cerebral palsy in babies. So far, the following have been identified…

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  • Health

    Why It’s So Hard For You to Lose Weight After Pregnancy?

    During pregnancy the woman’s body changes in so many different ways. A new life and a new human being are growing inside the woman’s womb and the whole body changes because of the hormones and the baby getting formed inside her. During this magical period women can gain between 10 and 40 pounds, but it all depends on the woman,…

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