
Unlock the Power of List Brokers: Expert Tips for Effective Marketing Campaigns

There are 4 billion people who use email daily. Out of that, 99% check their emails at least once a day, with 58% clicking on the big ‘M’ as soon as their eyes open. Believe it or not, some even check their email 20 times a day- answers why email marketing is at its peak and is expected to surge in popularity even more in the near future.

You are all set to start your email marketing campaign. But who would you send your emails to? Got a reality check? Building your email list is indeed one of the toughest tasks out there. Even the most persuasive email copy can be swept aside if you send it to someone who has no interest in your service.

The good news is, compiling an email list that surprises you with its ROI has become easier than ever before with email list brokers. List brokers are companies that curate lists of email addresses of businesses and consumers, tailored to your target audience. In brief, they provide you with a list of people you should mail to get success in your marketing campaign.

But how to spot the right broker? Is that enough? What’s next? Given below are some expert tips that are meant to guide you from finding the perfect broker to writing a killer email copy to analyzing the success of your campaign. Read till the end and champion the process.

1. Find a Suitable List Broker To Get a Targeted Email List


We have already introduced you to them. Now let’s find out how to get hold of the list broker who suits your needs the best.

  • Talk to people in your circle, browse the net, and conduct your research to make a list of brokers who appear potent enough to generate the results you desire.
  • Visit their websites, communicate via mail or calls, and shortlist a few of them based on their response.
  • Assess the following:-
  • If they abide by email marketing regulations
  • If they obtain mail addresses by legitimate means
  • If they update their list regularly
  • The brands they have worked with
  • Client testimonials
  • Share your marketing goals and target audience
  • Test the efficiency of the email list by sending emails to a few addresses first. If the results satisfy you, you can proceed to purchase.

2. Craft Your Content Carefully

Earthweb reports that an average person receives somewhere between 100-120 emails every day. With so many emails flooding one’s inbox, how do you think your email will grab their attention?

With a smart email copy.

Here’s how you can do it.

  • Write a catchy headline- something that generates curiosity, evokes a strong emotion, or creates a sense of missing out in the reader’s mind. Tempt them through your headlines into opening and reading the entire email.
  • No one has the patience to read huge walls of text. Make your emails short and crisp. Hubspot suggests, keeping it below 200 words can drive the most desirable results.
  • Avoid stuffing industry jargon. Keep your message simple and direct. Write like you would talk and not like a robot.
  • Personalize your emails. One great way of personalization is to mention the recipient’s name in the headline. This significantly increases open rates.
  • Make your content skimmable so that your reader gets the drift at a single glance. You can do this by highlighting the keywords.
  • Add a clear CTA to avoid confusion

3. Make Your Email Responsive and Visually Appealing


It is not enough to just write a good email. How you present it plays a very important role too. Therefore, make sure that your email is a treat to the reader’s eyes.

Feel free to add images, GIFs, and video clips, if they enhance the value of your email. Make sure that you do not overuse them.

Maintaining white spaces in your email is also crucial. It gives your emails a clean look.

Don’t forget your brand logo. That’s your identity after all. Besides, if your brand follows a particular color pattern, stay consistent with that in your emails too. Netflix maintains its black and red combination in its emails. This consistency solidifies your brand visuals in your reader’s minds and prevents your emails from being ignored.

Besides, make your emails responsive for multiple devices. You need to give mobile users more importance than ever, since 41% of email views come from them. The more accessible your emails are, the better results they will provide.

4. A/B Test Your Emails

A/B testing is nothing but optimizing your emails based on the results they furnish. Be it the time of mailing, the font style, the headline, the core content, or the visuals, you should always test to find out what generates better results.

To be accurate in your analysis, change one element at a time. Playing around with multiple elements will make it difficult for you to identify what actually did the trick. If in one round, you compare two headlines, in the next, compare the time of mailing.

To run A/B tests, all you have to do is send different emails to small groups of your target audience. Identify the emails generating more desirable results and send them to the rest of the list.

5. Nurture Your Mail Recipients


After you hit the send button, don’t abandon your email recipients. You will most likely be forgotten. To increase your visibility and enhance conversion rates, follow up. Show up frequently to stay top-of-the-mind. You can do this by being regular with your newsletters, sending them offers and new collection notifications, giving them a discount, or urging them to take action on a limited-time offer. Following up can also look like asking for feedback on the service they had recently availed of by clicking through your email.

6. Assess The Success Rates Of Your Campaigns


There are multiple marketing tools providing in-depth analysis of several key metrics. That helps you gauge the success of your email marketing campaigns. Through these tools, you can assess the open rates, bounce rates, click-through rates, and spam complaints of your emails.

These give you a sneak peek into how many recipients received your emails, how many took action and how many had your emails resting in their spam folders. Such insights are necessary to find out the lacuna in your current marketing strategy and implement improvisations in the following ones.


List brokers are all set to carry half the burden of your email marketing campaign. They will give you the select few from billions of people under the sun, who are actually looking for your service. Next, the onus is on you to tempt them into opening your emails and nurturing them, and finally convince them to convert into your trusted customers. We know, it appears like a tough nut to crack at the moment. But believe us, it isn’t. Just be honest with your audience, build a solid strategy by following the tips mentioned above, and sit back to enjoy the astounding results.

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