
Why Wearing a Wig Is No Longer a Taboo Among Women

This is a fun question to answer. If we look at some celebrities around the world, we can see the answer clearly. Are you a follower of Coco Rocha? If not, start being one. This supermodel was one of those who broke the taboo. She has more than one million followers on Instagram, and each and every one of them was surprised when her hairstyle looked differently at the 2017 Paris fashion show than what they’re used to seeing on her social media platforms. In just one day, she replaced her bleached bob with a fishtail braid. A transformation deemed impossible, but yet everyone saw it, and most of us knew what was in question. This was not a common practice with this supermodel, but she decided to do the unimaginable, and most of all, nothing that hasn’t been done before.


If we look at the matter historically, the culture of wigs is an ancient one, dating back to old Egypt. So, what changed? Wearing a wig in the old days was a sign of your stature and showed the upper class’s belonging. But, if we look at how the world, especially the women, see it today and in the decades prior, we can see that it lost much of its appeal. What was once a high-end fashion became an embarrassment for many women, and it shouldn’t be that way. Back in the nineties and early two-thousands, even women who lost their hair due to various medical conditions found it to be their imperative to hide the fact they’re wearing a wig. We can say that we’re lucky to be living in an age when thinking like this is slowly evaporating from this world. Having a wig is normal, and you can get one yourself if you visit this site. The change came quickly but not easily, and it is all thanks to many celebrities such as Coco Rocha. Their presence on social media and treatment of wigs publicly really broke down many walls for women all over the world.

We can claim that the trend took a massive u-turn in the past few years. As we said, it all came down to celebrities and their social media platforms. If you recall, even Kim Kardashian sported on back in 2017 at Tom Ford’s fashion show. Many heads were tuned with her appearance, but they swiftly turned towards her stepsister Kendall Jenner who also had one herself. These sisters are the world’s biggest trendsetters, and this is an understatement. When you see them sporting wigs, you can say it is becoming an acceptable trend. The fashion industry had long had this taboo of not allowing wigs or simply not endorsing and supporting them. But now, they don’t have a word to say in it, as many celebrities are already doing the imaginable. The trend is here, and it is set to stay. We can say this with certainty as other celebs such as Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Gwen Stefani also wear them.


What do you say, oh my god, how the world has changed? In the past, women bought wigs secretly, trying to hide the fact that it is something they have and need. Today, after exiting the wig closet, many women wear them proudly, which also helped the wig industry. Today, this is a multi-million industry, which helps women and makes a profit at the same time. And when we say profit, we mean it. Today, you can find wigs made entirely of natural hair. Top-end saloons are charging between $2,800 to $7,000 for a single wig. This is how much the quality costs. Many clients want customized wigs that will make them look like their favorite movie or fashion industry starts.

If you listen to what Angelo David, the owner of one of the top wig saloons, has to say, you’ll realize that this trend started in the last few years. The long-lasting taboo, which was present for decades and maybe even centuries, was broken during the previous five years. M. David claims that his business expanded in the last couple of years, with the demand for wigs almost doubled in the same time frame. Trust us, Angelo David knows what’s he’s talking about as he learned the trade from his father Carmine, who was a pioneer in the business. According to Angelo, there are many reasons why women seek wigs these days, and most of them aren’t purely medical. It is mainly to follow fashion trends, mimic celebrities, or simply sport a different look for a day or two without altering your natural appearance. It is the nature of women that made it possible to break this long-lasting taboo, and it was on righteous to be so.


Thanks to the efforts of many celebrities, wig makers, and customers alike, sporting a wig today is somewhat similar to having a new hair color, a new bag, or a piece of jewelry. It is possible to experiment with them the same way as with any other accessory. It is because of this that we can predict that not only the taboo surrounding wigs is nonexistent anymore, but that wearing a wig will become a norm in the future. Celebs such as Kim Kardashian, Coco Rocha, or Gwen Stefani were just the first wave of this trend, which will carry on on the backs of regular women.

The best part of the entire story is that the wigs are becoming more accessible by the day. Many improvements are happening to this product, such as natural extensions, more natural looks, and various hairstyles available. The widespread which is ongoing the product is now available to almost everyone as the prices are not as high as they were. Today you can find a quality wig priced under $1,000. The lower price range is what made it possible for wigs to become so popular. You can imagine that wearing a different wig each day was easy for a celebrity, but not so much for everyone else. Today, things are in balance and are set to stay that way.

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