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Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP

A review of those “advising” these GOP contenders indicates the same old faces are at work ensuring globalist powers will be directing the foreign policy agenda of whomever represents the GOP in the next presidential election.

Those from whom the GOP contenders areas The Washington Post of April 6 put it  – “soaking up guidance” are a disturbing lot.

War-happy internationalist Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) – whose wife’s $150 million beer fortune is owed to the patronage of the Jewish crime syndicate’s Bronfman family, longtime intimates of the Rothschild dynasty – bragged to the Post of the 2016 GOP hopefuls that “They all call, all the time” asking for advice from the failed former presidential candidate.

However, McCain – who in 2008 actually raised campaign money in the London home of Lord Jacob Rothschild – was quick to assure the Post that “First, I tell them to touch base with Henry Kissinger- of course.”

That any future president would “of course” first touch base with Kissinger – long a top schemer among the New World Order elite – is of obvious concern to anyone who values national sovereignty.

But others with whom the Republican contenders are mingling are equally of concern.

Representative Paul Ryan (Wis.) – the GOP’s 2012 vice presidential candidate – huddles with his longtime associate, former Education Secretary William Bennett, a founding director of the hardline, pro-Israel, neoconservative “think tank,” Empower America, which once employed Ryan as a speechwriter, helping advance Ryan’s career in official Washington.


A protege of the ex-Trotskyite “godfather” of the neoconservatives, the late Irving Kristol – father of notorious modern-day neoconservative power broker William Kristol – Bennett and his Empower America co-founder, ex-Representative Vin Weber (R-Minn.), remain influential in shaping Ryan’s worldview.

Today, Weber is a member of the board of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the New York affiliate of the London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is often referred to as the foreign policy arm of the Rothschild dynasty.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio – whose foreign policy rhetoric becomes more bellicose and more fervently internationalist as 2016 approaches, has – according to The Washington Post – “become friendly” with Israeli-born Yuval Levin who has elsewhere been glowingly described as “probably the most influential conservative intellectual of the Obama era.”

Also turning to Levin for direction is Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. But Jindal has his own antecedents that explain, at least in part, the longtime infatuation with Jindal by the Zionist-dominated media, which was promoting his presidential ambitions long before he came on the national stage.

Like ex-President Bill Clinton – who also received inordinate media attention from the earliest years of his own career – Jindal is a former Rhodes Scholar.

He had been trained at Oxford in England in the ideology of the late Cecil Rhodes, the African diamond magnate (financed by the Rothschilds) whose scholarships were established to indoctrinate bright young Americans in the concept that the United States should be reunited with the Rothschild-controlled British empire.

Jindal has been hailed for his sharp critiques of the federal government and his advocacy of rejuvenating state sovereignty in what is hailed as the spirit of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

But what many patriots simply don’t know is that New World Order advocates – such as the influential Clarence K. Streit, author of the infamous globalist tract, Union Now, with Britain – openly proffered that the 10th Amendment actually provided the very mechanism for dismantling the American national union so the United States could be reunited with “the Mother Country.”

Thus, those enthused by Jindal’s seeming support for states rights might well keep in mind that (in light of Jindal’s Rhodes Scholarship background) another agenda might well be at work behind the rhetoric that seems to reflect traditional Americanism.

Oh yes, Jindal also relies on neoconservative titan William Kristol for advice on foreign policy.

For his part, Texas Governor Rick Perry, whose 2012 presidential bid ended in fiasco, has kept his name in the offing by making a pilgrimage to Israel to huddle with no less than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Several years ago the pandering Perry said he relied on the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, published by pro-Israel billionaire Rupert Murdoch, a longtime media front man for the Rothschild family, and what Perry called “the Jewish press” for his foreign policy direction.

Popular among conservatives as a union buster, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker burnishes his foreign policy expertise by relying upon counsel from Mark Thiessen, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, whose costly Middle East wars on behalf of Israel (carried out under the direction of the neoconservatives who dominated policy under Bush) still torment America.

In the same realm, Texas Senator Ted Cruz – whose wife is an executive with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, a preeminent force in the Rothschild sphere of influence – has actually drafted Victoria C. Gardner Coates, a former aide to ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (a primary architect of the disastrous Bush-era wars), as his national security advisor.

A tea party favorite, Cruz – the son of a Christian Zionist minister – is particularly strident in his advocacy for a pro-war/ pro-Israel agenda.

Perhaps most unexpected of all is Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s link to the Rothschild dynasty via his advisor, retired diplomat and CFR member Richard R. Burt who – prior to government service – was actually the national security correspondent for no less than The New York Times, the premier media voice of the Zionist establishment.

Burt actually launched his career as assistant director of the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISI), a globally-influential London-based think tank with deep Rothschild connections.

CFR member Lynn Forester de Rothschild – wife of Lord Evelyn de Rothschild – is associated with IISI, as are – among others: Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, a director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons; Fleur de Villiers, a consultant to the Rothschild-controlled DeBeers diamond cartel (founded by Cecil Rhodes) and Thomas Seaman who chaired the investment committee of the Rhodes Trust, which sponsors the globalist-oriented Rhodes Scholarships.

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