
Amanda Palmer to Release Her Album There Will Be No Intermission on March 8

It is not a coincidence that Amanda Palmer will release her solo album There Will Be No Intermission on March 8, 2019, which is International Women’s Day. It’s not a surprise that the content of the album is all about the issues that women are subjected to, and which Amanda Palmer has reiterated that they are based on personal experiences she herself has been subjected to or her close circle of friends.
Apprehensive over the content, she was encouraged by her friends who had listened to the songs, she found that she wanted to do just that, release these songs as her own personal effort to aid in giving a say to women issues.

To test the waters, she released the single Drowning in The Sound and it was met with a success that made her album is not only anticipated but will be the voice of other women.

She has not released an album for the past six years, and hence this new album There Will Be No Intermission is way out of her usual style. But she wrote the songs herself and each song had been nagging at her to voice it to others. It is also her own personal way of surviving the experiences she had been put through. It tackles life issues and the way we triumph over them, all while using dark themes mingled with beautiful lyrics.

As such, we see issues like cancer, death, parenting, abortion, grief, and more as the basis for her songs. A look into the songs from the album:

• Machete – is the song that depicts her friend’s lost battle with the killer disease; cancer.
• Voicemail for Jill – a song she wrote for her friend as she headed for an abortion.
• A Mother’s Confession – her feelings when she herself became a new mother.
• Drowning in the Sound – a song compiled from comments made by her fans.

And on a more lighthearted note:
• Congratulations
• They’re Saying Not To Panic

Endurance makes us stronger, and that is what Amanda is saying in her album, not a political view but rather as an example that she sets for other women, especially on Women’s Day. And in an effort to support her album, Amanda will also set out on a solo North American Tour that will begin on the 13th of March in Texas. The tour will go on till the 8th of June where it will come to a close in Portland after passing through Detroit, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, New York, San Francisco, Kansas, Seattle, among other cities. You can look here for Amanda Palmer tickets without service fees for her upcoming live music performances.

Since Amanda Palmer is not just a musician but an artist as well, the album will include an Artbook – narrative photos that say what the songs say.

With 20 songs, the album is quite long and not just women, but all Amanda’s fans will wait for her new work. Not just that, but those who aren’t fans will want to know what the songs, as well as art, have to say.

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