ActorNet Worth

Brad Pitt Net Worth 2024

Brad Pitt the man who has been named the sexiest man alive more times than Mariah Carey hit number 1 on Billboard Hot 100.(In case you’re wondering it’s 18 so far). The long blonde hair, facial features and not to mention acting talent that earns him over $20 million a movie Pitt is the man everyone wants. Most notably the most beautiful woman in the world Angelina Jolie was the lucky one to settle down. The couple met on the set of their blockbuster film Mr and Mrs. Smith which subsequently lead to the demise of Brad and Jennifer Aniston. He changed his name to Brangelina and helped raised a village of children Angelina collects like postcards from every third world country she visits. But the beautiful and rich couple had a child of their own Shiloh Nouvel in 2006. The child will have to split the family fortune with 6 other kids but that’s all good. Her baby pictures were sold for a reported $4 million to People magazine. Yeah she was balancing checkbooks before she could walk.

So how does one earn $150 million? Well Brad didn’t just rely on his good looks which garnered him attention from female fans and movie goers but his acting ability is extremely dynamic. He has played everything from Achilles in Troy to a Vampire in the 1994 film Interview With A Vampire which he gave Kirsten Dunst her first kiss. Try that on for bad ass! Indeed, as suggested by these two disparate films, Pitt’s acting flexibility has led to praise in a myriad of different roles. From Billy Beane in Moneyball (2011), Wardaddy in Fury (2015) and his Oscar winning role for best supporting actor as Cliff Booth in Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2020), Brad Pitt has earned his reputation. If you’re interested in watching more Brad Pitt films in 2024 the greatest range can be found on


William Bradley Pitt was born and raised in the middle of America. He was born in Oklahoma and spent his childhood and teenage years in Missouri. While attending college the acting bug bit him. With only 2 more credits left Pitt couldn’t wait to get to California. He moved in the 1980’s but his career began long before that. As a toddler the actor appeared in the Soap Another World. His acting career slowly began with small guest roles on television and being cast as an extra in several movies. He barely had enough to pay his rent but he was determined to pursue his career. His movie debut came in the 1991 film Thelma and Louise which got him national attention.

In 1992 A River Runs Through hits theaters. A period drama set in Montana following the life of two young brothers growing up who’s lives go in different paths but their love of fly fishing is the one remaining similarity and factor that holds their relationship together. The film is cited as the performance by Pitt that lead to his career taking off. He went on to star on films like Se7en, Legends of the Fall, and Twelve Monkeys which all garnered critically acclaimed recognition leading to several Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button star has a career unparalleled by any other male actor. Moneyball, the Ocean’s Eleven franchise and Mr & Mr.s Smith all gave Brad Pitt Academy Award recognition. Brad Pitt recently starred in the apocalyptic thriller World War Z which has so far grossed almost $400 million worldwide at the box office.

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