MusicNet WorthSinger

Branden James Net Worth 2024

After an emotional performance in front of Howie Mandel, Mel B of the Spice Girls, Super model Heidi Klum and Radio DJ Howard Stern Branden James has made it to the semi finals of America’s Got Talent. Branden claims he turned to music when he was lonely, it was his only means of expression when no one was around. Growing up his parents weren’t full accepting of his sexuality. Being a gay male he was rejected by his family and struggled for acceptance especially from his mom. After his Operatic performance during AGT audition Branden received an apology and a warm hug from his mom as she cried. It was his first moment of acceptance. It was something the 34 year old needed to hear.

As a recording artist, Branden’s debut CD “Songs of Freedom and Inspiration” sold over 1,000 copies in a single day after a live performance for Citigroup Financial Services at The Los Angeles Sports Arena. Mr. James can be heard on the soundtrack for the film REPO-OPERA starring Sarah Brightman and Paris Hilton and is recorded on Decca Records as The Magi on internationally acclaimed composer David Conte’s award winning opera, The Gift of The Magi.

In 2007, Branden appeared in concert at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Rome for Pope Benedict XVI celebrating the occasion of his 80th birthday. Mr. James has enjoyed a longtime affiliation with The 12 Tenors, touring the majority of 5 continents and appearing as soloist on their second full length release entitled, I Believe

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