
5 Tips For Finding Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions For Your Business

Waste is a growing environmental problem worldwide. Environmental protection should be an integral part of a lifestyle, not an obligation. Therefore, we should be educated from an early age that environmental protection, including waste – is something we need to take care of. When it comes to companies engaged in mass production – they have today become somewhat more environmentally conscious. However, environmental awareness must be worked on constantly – so that we can really see the results in practice. Therefore, take a look at our 5 tips for finding eco-friendly packaging solutions for your business.

Lack Of Consumer Information Means More Waste Accumulation


The share of packaging waste is constantly growing – and has become one of the more harmful effects on the environment. Lack of consumer information also increases waste accumulation. To minimize the negative impact on the environment, the solution could be found in the design of new and more acceptable packaging – and the use of innovative solutions and new materials. The construction and design of packaging play a significant role in determining sustainability. What keeps the product quality and fresh – is the right choice of packaging materials and technologies. Designing new packaging should encourage consumer awareness to choose environmentally friendly solutions, to recycle – and ultimately to care for the environment and a better tomorrow.

What Is Eco-Friendly Packaging And Green Entrepreneurship?

Ecological packaging is one that will not endanger the environment. Such packaging fulfills the basic functions of protection, reliability, and longevity of the product – and at the same time has a smaller negative influence on the environment. For example, this means that such packaging is reusable, made from recycled or recyclable materials – and that it is produced with clean production technology and best practices. Companies that have introduced this as a practice in their business – are considered environmentally conscious. Therefore, they are often called eco-friendly or green companies.

Why Do Such Companies Exist?


There are two aspects to green entrepreneurship. One is the conversion of those who are polluters – but who adapt to make their business environmentally friendly. Others are those who initially create businesses to contribute to the environment, reduce the environmental footprint – and create eco-certified products, such as food. This means, for example, that their packaging is reusable, made from recycled or recyclable materials – and produced with clean production technology and best practices.

Advantages Of Ecological Packaging And Eco-Materials

Today, an ecologically justified package is usually the one made of materials that were used during production, application, and recycling – of which we have lower energy consumption and less pollution of life environments than with other materials. Research has shown that more than 40 percent of online shoppers will buy a product if it is in environmentally friendly packaging. Packaging material is a basic element in creating eco-friendly packaging. Technology and the right choice of materials play a significant role – as they keep the product quality and fresh during storage and transport. In recent times, the development of new packaging materials for food as well as other products has greatly accelerated.  That happened due to the reduction of packaging prices – as well as increased environmental awareness.

Tips On How To Choose A “Green” Package For Your Products


Depending on your products – you can find adequate solutions for “green” packaging. Keep in mind the products you sell, but also some other criteria – such as durability, or impermeability. All this is significant in order not to damage what’s inside during transport and delivery. So, let’s see what kind of green solutions for packing you can find and use.

1. Paper And Cardboard


Thanks to their good properties, low cost, and finishing possibilities –  paper and cardboard are some of the most common packaging materials. According to – boxes are mostly used for making sales packaging. Paper and cardboard are two-dimensional creations in the form of sheets – which were created by intertwining and interconnecting fibers of mostly natural origin. They are produced from pulp, textile waste, and recycled waste paper. Corrugated cardboard is made in several layers and is thicker and heavier than paper. It is more often used to make boxes or containers for transport – and rarely in direct contact with food.

2. Aluminum And Metal

Today, a large number of different food products are packed in metal packaging – such as two-part and three-part cans. Two-piece cans are used to preserve meat and fish food products – while three-piece cans are used to preserve various products such as pet food, meat, and fish, pre-cooked meals, etc. Metal packaging technology is developing very intensively and is increasingly mentioned as an environmentally friendly packaging method due to the possibility of multiple recycling.

3. Glass


Glass has a very long history in food packaging. Glass is an inorganic material of amorphous structure obtained by melting a mixture of silicates and alkali and alkaline earth oxides. Due to its characteristics such as hardness, transparency, chemical resistance, and biological inactivity – it has a very wide application in various fields of human activity.

4. Multilayer Materials (Laminates)

Multilayer packaging materials, or laminates – are composed of several tightly interconnected packaging materials in the form of foils. Flexible materials are usually used as layers of laminate – such as various types of paper, thinner cardboard, cellophane, aluminum foils, etc. By choosing the right layers, you will obtain a laminate whose properties best suit certain goods – and market requirements at a minimum price. We can say that laminates are in most cases an ideal packaging material.

5. New Materials


New and sometimes non-conventional materials are used in recent years. Materials such as hay, bamboo, plant fibers, or even mushrooms are used today for this purpose. They are recyclable, but they can also be composted and biodegraded. Whatmore, some of them can even be reused for various purposes.

The Bottom Line

We hope that it is clear to you that there is a choice if you are committed to the ecological materials – from which you will make packaging. Keep in mind that this is primarily good for our planet – but also for your business that will not suffer at all because of it. Moreover, customers today are increasingly turning to so-called green companies. So you can count on a double benefit.

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