
Derivatives Expert Warns Globalists Ready to SHUT DOWN Entire Financial System

The establishment, globalist, elite, 1%, 0.01% whatever you wish to call them they seem to be on a one-way ride straight into the abyss. The global financial systems and global economies all seem to be moving in the same direction at the same time – down the tubes. Of course, if you listen to the mainstream media they will be happy to tell you, over and over, about how awesome everything is and how well you are doing. Just keep your eyes on the stock market and you too will know they are being sincere and have your best interest at heart. Anyone with a brain knows nothing could be further from the truth.

Rob Kirby, who, in my opinion, has one of the best minds around sat dowWon to discuss the state of our world. His work is second to none as he crunches the numbers, interacts with some of the wealthiest people to be found and Rob also interacts with governments. Rob has a full-spectrum view of what is happening in our financial and economic world.


It seemed like a good time to have Rob on to discuss the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) since this off the balance sheet fund was making it’s way back into the picture. I recently covered two parts of a five part video series that documents the history of the ESF and exactly how evil is born and becomes part of our everyday society. The ESF provides the funding that allows evil to be delivered to your doorstep. I hope you don’t believe me and do some serious research into this U.S. Treasury fund that is accountable to no one other than the Secretary of the Treasury. That’s right, these funds are doled out at the sole discretion of the Secretary Treasurer and does not answer to Congress, the President or any other agency or governing body. This may be a good place to begin your research – and by the way, Snoops is not considered research. Part 1 – History of the ESF and Part 2 – The Birth of the IMF and World Bank. Rob has done extensive research on this fund and would be another good starting point – click here for Rob’s website.

The goal was to have Rob provide us with an in-depth review of the history of the ESF and how it has infiltrated our world. What came about was so much more. Mr. Kirby had some other ideas and wanted to get these ideas on the table. We are all much better for him bringing his ideas to the table.

The globalists seem to be running short of time, according to Mr. Kirby, as he believes the algorithms that run the financial system, may be turned off in the not too distant future. When I say not too distant future I mean before the end of summer.

The globalists, as noted in an interview conducted by SGT, have been gathering in survival supplies for close to a year. You can listen to a alternative energy store owner spell it out – here.

Not only do we cover how the globalist are running the economies into the ground, but we cover a wide variety of other topics as well. Gold, Trump, the Presidential election and Brexit to give you an idea of the depth of this fifty minute interview. We encourage you to listen all the way through as there is not a minute that is not power packed with Rob’s analysis and opinions. Looking forward to reading your comments.

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