covid 19

  • Health

    Covid-19 Test Accuracy: Which Type of Test Is Best?

    Recently, the whole world suffered from deadly virus infection. But now, the curable vaccine is available in all the hospitals of every country or state. The coronavirus, also SARS-CoV-2, is a deadly virus that affects most people mildly or severely. Before taking medicine or treatment for any health issue, it is crucial to test whether you are infected or not.…

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  • Health

    The COVID-19 Strain on Hospitals Persists as Hospitalizations Decrease

    As reported recently on CNN, fewer people are now being hospitalized with the Covid-19 virus in the United States currently than at any other point during the pandemic over the past couple of year. However, hospitals and staff continue to feel the strain on their resources everywhere. As of recently, there were some 16,138 people in the hospital suffering from…

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  • Travel

    5 Best Tips And Must-Knows Before You Visit Curacao

    In general, people from various places will love to travel and explore new things to have some unique feel. Due to the tight schedules and financial situation, people may find it difficult to spend time on trips. But it is necessary to spend some time traveling because it may help people regain strength and act as a tonic for many…

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  • Health

    6 Tips on How to Avoid Letting Other People Compromise Your Safety During COVID-19

    The last 20 months have truly pushed many of us to the brink. In addition to the clear and present health risks presented by the novel coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic has also changed the way many of us go about our daily lives and exposed the extent to which disinformation has been embraced by a staggering number of Americans. While…

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  • News

    Good News 2024: Positive Events amid the Pandemic

    Yes, the year 2024 was devastating for all of us, someway, someday. The COVID-19 outbreak resulted in a deluge of negative news spurring fear, frustration and a slew of unpleasant realities – economic disruption, racial homicides, wildfires, plummeting oil prices, and a historic stock market meltdown. But life goes on. And here we are, already living through the first half…

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  • Uncategorized

    Nursing During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Nursing is one of the most critical sectors in healthcare. It is a profession that requires significant amounts of education, training, and experience. Covid-19 has shown the world that nurses are vital to healthcare.The virus has no cure and is highly contagious, making it even more difficult for healthcare facilities to handle. Because of this, nurses must take on various…

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  • Health

    The Effect of COVID-19 on Elders’ Mental Health

    No doubt, a lot of people’s lives turned topsy-turvy with COVID-19. Lockdowns turned once-bustling capitals into mere ghost towns. At one point, more animals were roaming the streets than people, and nature started reclaiming many cities worldwide. As countries experienced a drastic turn of events, including economic stagnation and inflation, many health problems, specifically those related to mental health, began…

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  • Sport

    Tokyo 2024 Summer Olympics: All you need to know

    Tokyo 2024 Summer Olympics is around the corner, and it will not be surprising if many people out there are still confused as to why this Olympics Games would be occurring in an odd year. Surely, we are all aware of the Covid-19 pandemic. A novel virus that has affected not just many of the major sporting events in recent…

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  • Health

    5 Ways To Deal With Pandemic-Induced Anxiety

    It’s been almost two years, but it seems like a lot of time has passed since COVID-19 emerged, and many people have suffered from pandemic-induced anxiety because of it. Many find it challenging and life-altering because the new “normal” imposed many abrupt changes. While most people have come to accept the new norm, others have a hard time adjusting mentally…

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  • Health

    What Kinds Of Masks Should I Buy During COVID-19?

    A variety of masks are currently doing rounds on the market. Some are basic, others are standard, while others are made of the highest quality possible. Depending on how far you are willing to go for your safety, investing in a good-quality mask is not negotiable. KN95 mask is your best bet on quality and maximum protection. Other types of…

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