
  • China Moves to Destroy US Dollar As They Launch the Gold-backed Petro-Yuan

    In a massive move against the global dominance of the U.S. dollar, China’s highly anticipated Petro-Yuan has been launched in Shanghai. With China being the world’s largest consumer of oil, this new currency is an international game-changer that was a predicted move by China to directly compete—and subsequently devalue—the US dollar. Analysts call the plan, announced by Beijing in September,…

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  • How Much Wealth Does the Vatican Control?

    One of the world’s 7 remaining absolute monarchies, Vatican City in the heart of Rome, Italy, is a peculiar city within a city, and one of the wealthiest establishments on earth. If you’ve ever been to the Vatican, which is actually a sovereign nation, you’ve seen the unbelievable wealth owned by the Catholic Church, but how much is the Vatican…

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  • Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!

    The Rothschild family is slowly but surely having their Central banks established in every country of this world, giving them incredible amount of wealth and power. In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank: Afghanistan Iraq Sudan Libya Cuba North Korea Iran It is not a coincidence that these country, which…

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  • What is GESARA?

    It’s an acronym for the Global Economic Security And Reformation Act and has been written and refined by great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to reset planet earth and humanity on a sustainable governance foundation. The following 3 items must be accomplished straight away: 1) The global and public proclamation of a global jubilee or debt…

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  • Anonymous Hackers Take 9 Rothschild Central Banks Offline

    The Anonymous campaign against the global banking cartel, OpIcarus: Shut Down The Banks, is gaining momentum as nine Rothschild owned central banks were taken offline after the hacking collective identified the global financial system as the “power behind the throne” of the New World Order, and issued a global call to arms to fight the financial system that is enslaving…

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  • Hungary is the first European country to ban Rothschild Banks

    A kindly worded letter from Gyorgy Matolcsy, the head of Hungary’s Central Bank , asked Managing Director, Christine Lagarde of the International Misery Fund, as some have fondly nicknamed it, to close the office as it was not necessary to maintain it any longer. The Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, seemed keen to ease off austerity measures and prove that the…

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  • Derivatives Expert Warns Globalists Ready to SHUT DOWN Entire Financial System

    The establishment, globalist, elite, 1%, 0.01% whatever you wish to call them they seem to be on a one-way ride straight into the abyss. The global financial systems and global economies all seem to be moving in the same direction at the same time – down the tubes. Of course, if you listen to the mainstream media they will be…

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  • Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation Over Missing $4 Billion In Global Corruption Probe

    Last year the veil of invincibility seemingly came off the secretive Rothschild banking empire, as Baron David de Rothschild and his company the Rothschild Financial Services Group were indicted by French prosecutors for allegedly defrauding British pensioners in a scheme that saw large sums of money embezzled. Only two months ago, we reported on the Swiss branch of the Edmond…

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  • Deutsche Bank Brokers Jailed in Biggest Insider Trading Bust Ever

    Two former Deutsche Bank corporate brokers have been sentenced to one of the longest prison terms possible for the crime of insider trading in the UK. As US financial market participants walk free in the streets managing their own “home office” money, Martyn Dodgson and Andrew Hind will be rotting in a Wandsworth prison cell (among the worst reputed of…

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  • Global Currency Reset: New Currency for U.S. 100% Gold-Backed by Asian Gold

    Enormous amounts of Asian gold will be used to back a new U.S. Currency, and others. In return, military forces worldwide agree to cooperate to protect Planet Earth. Negotiations with the Cabal have commenced via Asian Elders of the White Dragon Society The planet’s GOLD will be used to back new currencies worldwide, and NOT the Federal Reserve currencies or…

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