
  • Derivatives Expert Warns Globalists Ready to SHUT DOWN Entire Financial System

    The establishment, globalist, elite, 1%, 0.01% whatever you wish to call them they seem to be on a one-way ride straight into the abyss. The global financial systems and global economies all seem to be moving in the same direction at the same time – down the tubes. Of course, if you listen to the mainstream media they will be…

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  • Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation Over Missing $4 Billion In Global Corruption Probe

    Last year the veil of invincibility seemingly came off the secretive Rothschild banking empire, as Baron David de Rothschild and his company the Rothschild Financial Services Group were indicted by French prosecutors for allegedly defrauding British pensioners in a scheme that saw large sums of money embezzled. Only two months ago, we reported on the Swiss branch of the Edmond…

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  • Deutsche Bank Brokers Jailed in Biggest Insider Trading Bust Ever

    Two former Deutsche Bank corporate brokers have been sentenced to one of the longest prison terms possible for the crime of insider trading in the UK. As US financial market participants walk free in the streets managing their own “home office” money, Martyn Dodgson and Andrew Hind will be rotting in a Wandsworth prison cell (among the worst reputed of…

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  • Global Currency Reset: New Currency for U.S. 100% Gold-Backed by Asian Gold

    Enormous amounts of Asian gold will be used to back a new U.S. Currency, and others. In return, military forces worldwide agree to cooperate to protect Planet Earth. Negotiations with the Cabal have commenced via Asian Elders of the White Dragon Society The planet’s GOLD will be used to back new currencies worldwide, and NOT the Federal Reserve currencies or…

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  • Deutsche Bank Settles Lawsuit For Price Rigging, Turns “State’s Evidence” On Other Banks

    Prior to last week, Deutsche Bank made headlines for a string of huge losses and massive exposure to risky derivatives. The last time the firm’s shares traded at prices this low, the world was in the midst of 2008’s financial apocalypse. Deutsche Bank didn’t need more bad news, but a group of investors who brought suit against the massive German…

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  • The Rothschild Formula is Complete: The Economic Dismantling of the United States

    Political and financial turmoil reign around the world, by design. It is the classic example of the elites at work working their never-fail formula of Problem-Reaction-Solution. They create havoc of some kind, any kind, wherever they choose, the Problem. It is usually political upheaval fomenting unrest, and the broader the unrest the better. It often takes the form of financial…

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  • Do you know about NESARA? I bet you DON’T, but it’s about time you DO!

    N.E.S.A.R.A is the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was to be announced the morning of September 11th, 2001. Yes, this is true. Have I got your attention now? Fact: Your Congressman knows about N.E.S.A.R.A., “and” your Senator knows about N.E.S.A.R.A. Don’t believe me? Please call or email them and see if they will respond? I guarantee you they…

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  • Bank Runs Have Begun in Italy

    MILAN — A “run” has begun on Italian Banks, with Depositors taking out money in a PANIC, fearing they will lose everything if they leave their money deposited. Banca Monte Dei Paschi di Siena SpA’s shares shed one-fifth of their value after plunging for a third consecutive day Wednesday, as the bank scrambled to reassure investors its finances are solid.…

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  • Deutsch Bank Near Collapse; Announces €6.7 Billion Euro Loss

    At the height of the financial crisis of 2008, Deutsch Bank lost €3.9 Billion; today the bank announced almost DOUBLE that loss, out €6.7 Billion last year! Is collapse coming? The first annual balance sheet of the new German bank boss John Cryan falls into deep red. Simmering disputes and large-scale corporate restructuring has caused Deutsch bank to suffer the…

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  • ‘Currency War Alive and Well’ as Yen, Euro Advance Against Dollar

    Experts forecast a revival of the currency war amid the yen’s advance against the dollar for the third time in three weeks and the euro gaining ground against most of its peers. As hedge funds raise their outlook on the yen to the highest in three years, market analysts suggest that “the currency war is still alive and well.” “Japan’s…

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