
  • Deutsche Bank Settles Lawsuit For Price Rigging, Turns “State’s Evidence” On Other Banks

    Prior to last week, Deutsche Bank made headlines for a string of huge losses and massive exposure to risky derivatives. The last time the firm’s shares traded at prices this low, the world was in the midst of 2008’s financial apocalypse. Deutsche Bank didn’t need more bad news, but a group of investors who brought suit against the massive German…

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  • The Rothschild Formula is Complete: The Economic Dismantling of the United States

    Political and financial turmoil reign around the world, by design. It is the classic example of the elites at work working their never-fail formula of Problem-Reaction-Solution. They create havoc of some kind, any kind, wherever they choose, the Problem. It is usually political upheaval fomenting unrest, and the broader the unrest the better. It often takes the form of financial…

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  • Do you know about NESARA? I bet you DON’T, but it’s about time you DO!

    N.E.S.A.R.A is the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was to be announced the morning of September 11th, 2001. Yes, this is true. Have I got your attention now? Fact: Your Congressman knows about N.E.S.A.R.A., “and” your Senator knows about N.E.S.A.R.A. Don’t believe me? Please call or email them and see if they will respond? I guarantee you they…

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  • Bank Runs Have Begun in Italy

    MILAN — A “run” has begun on Italian Banks, with Depositors taking out money in a PANIC, fearing they will lose everything if they leave their money deposited. Banca Monte Dei Paschi di Siena SpA’s shares shed one-fifth of their value after plunging for a third consecutive day Wednesday, as the bank scrambled to reassure investors its finances are solid.…

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  • Deutsch Bank Near Collapse; Announces €6.7 Billion Euro Loss

    At the height of the financial crisis of 2008, Deutsch Bank lost €3.9 Billion; today the bank announced almost DOUBLE that loss, out €6.7 Billion last year! Is collapse coming? The first annual balance sheet of the new German bank boss John Cryan falls into deep red. Simmering disputes and large-scale corporate restructuring has caused Deutsch bank to suffer the…

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  • ‘Currency War Alive and Well’ as Yen, Euro Advance Against Dollar

    Experts forecast a revival of the currency war amid the yen’s advance against the dollar for the third time in three weeks and the euro gaining ground against most of its peers. As hedge funds raise their outlook on the yen to the highest in three years, market analysts suggest that “the currency war is still alive and well.” “Japan’s…

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  • Current State of Affairs: America is Losing Fiscal Control

    To understand the malaise affecting America and the coming seismic changes to the Global economy, you need to take a reality-based Global overview of how the emerging nations will affect our entire world’s economic future and the inevitable changes it will sweep in upon the failing old guard. Economies change by evolution or revolution. America now needs both. For the…

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  • Deutsche Bank Fined $258m for Conducting Business with Iran, Syria and Libya

    German Deutsche Bank has been fined $258 million by American regulators for conducting business with US-sanctioned countries including Iran, Syria and Libya. The fine will be paid to the Federal Reserve and New York State Department of Financial Services. The ruling against Deutsche Bank also stipulated that the people responsible for the “lucrative” violations must be sacked. “The firm did…

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  • Russia Ends Dollar/Euro Currency Peg, Moves to Free Float

    The Bank of Russia took another step towards a free float ruble by abolishing the dual currency soft peg, as well as automatic interventions. Before, the bank propped up the ruble when the exchange rate against the euro and dollar exceeded its boundaries. “Instead, we will intervene in the currency market at whichever moment and amount needed to decrease the…

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  • All Wars Are Bankers Wars

    Behind every major war in history are the bankers and money men. In this modern era, nothing has changed. “Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to…

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