Net WorthReality starTV Show

Daisy Lewellyn Net Worth

Birthday: Somewhere over the rainboooooooow
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Net Worth: $125,000…paid $1500 for each show appearance.
Occupation: Author, TV Personality, Stylist, Fashion Consultant
Celebrity Friend: Chef Roble

Blood, Sweat and Heels is Bravo’s new series following a group of Black women, this time with careers, who are struggling with personal, relationship and career goals. Daisy Lewellyn and the cast are living it up in NYC trying breakout and climb that ladder. The six women are chasing paper and men and surprisingly one of these mature women is still a virgin, or so she claims. But we will believe Daisy for now.

33 year old Daisy is an author, stylist, tv personality, and single as HELL. Okay let me explain. Daisy is cool and is definitely going to be a favorite. She has strong beliefs about the role of a man, as revealed in episode one. She made a statement that the men are supposed to be the bread winners and in control of the relationship. Which might be why she ain’t got no man. Daisy is smart, beautiful and stands strong behind her values. Lewellyn wants to wait for marriage before she ‘gives up the goods. It’s something that might be hard to do living and working in a city like NYC. Hot men are everywhere and I’m not just talking about the Gay ones. So how does she keep it tight and behind closed doors? Lewellyn claims her secret is to never let any dates into her bedroom, and most importantly always wear underwear.

Daisy has great style and one of her favorite accessories is that bold bright red lipstick that she is wearing the whole season. She was born and raised in LA which is a mecca for fashion and perfection and moved to NY to further her career. She’s made all sorts of appearances on various tv shows giving women and men fashion advice. She’s been on Katie Couric, Wendy Williams, Dr. Oz and many others getting paid $1,500 for show appearances but that might vary. She also wrote a book with the longest title in history Never Pay Retail Again: Shop Smart, Spend Less, & Look Your Best Ever.” The title has more Chapters than the book. I guess Lewellyn feels her style knowledge was sent from the gods, honey, and she gon’ make sure everybody looks good.

Ain’t nothing wrong with that boo but you still need a man Daisy, come on and drop them drawers and stop being stingy. It’s all good to be independent and be celibate but she’s a grown woman now and needs to find her a grown man to put it down. I’m just saying. But you still doing the damn thang Daisy.

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