How Canon Law and Contract Law Enslave You: Common Law Activist Dean Clifford Incarcerated Without Charges

If you love freedom and liberty and don’t know who Dean Clifford is, you should invest some of your time to do some research on this brave human being. Dean Clifford is a man that I highly respect due to his dedication to spread the truth about the corruption in the Western justice system. If you want to learn how to free yourself and others from the Western justice system and become a true sovereign human being, you need to study the works of Dean Clifford. The empowering knowledge that he shares will explain how to win court cases, eliminate debts, avoid paying income tax, and free yourself from contracts, which are designed to destroy your sovereignty, freedom, and natural rights.
How canon law and contract law enslave you
For more than a year, I have been slowly studying Natural Law, common law, contract law, admiralty law, and canon law. This process of studying these laws has helped me to understand why the Western justice system is so corrupt. For example, in canon law terms, the word “person” doesn’t actually mean a living and breathing human being. Instead, it means a legal person of the STRAWMAN (the all caps JOHN DOE name), which can represent almost anything, including a public trust. In other words, when your name is written in all caps in a government document, contract, identification card (e.g., driver’s license), etc., it is referring to a legal but fictitious entity that doesn’t really have any rights, only privileges.
Nearly every human being born into the Western world isn’t really a true sovereign being, because their parents have signed their natural rights away to corporations, such as the UNITED STATES INC. In many Western countries, when a baby is born, a birth certificate is created and given to the parents to sign. What most parents don’t understand is that when they sign their baby’s birth certificate, they are giving their baby’s natural rights away to the federal government, which is a corporation.
By signing your birth certificate, your parents are giving the federal government the legal right to claim you as its “property.” As a result, you don’t really have any rights, only privileges. Furthermore, anything you create or buy is considered the property of the federal government. In other words, you are a slave. This process of signing away natural rights is also being practiced in many Eastern countries. The good news is that you can claim back your natural rights once you understand how to dispute the Western justice system and position yourself as the executor or beneficiary.
As described at
A Birth Certificate is a negotiable instrument, a registered security, a stock certificate evidencing, or representing, the preferred stock of the corporation and against which you are the surety; it is a pedigree chattel document establishing the existence of our straw man, a distinct artificial person with a fictitious name; it is a document of title to a straw man; it is a warehouse receipt for your body; delivery receipt; industrial bond between you (flesh-and-blood man or woman) and the industrial society and corporate US Government (artificial person).
In Canada, the original birth certificate is generally created at the PROVINCIAL level (in some rare instances municipal level) via birth documents from the hospital (for which the hospital receives $x# from the PROVINCE for causing the registration of the birth) and passed to the Provincial and Federal levels, and likely elsewhere. Per the definition of “birth” below, the document references both the newborn and the straw man. Certified copies of the birth certificate may be obtained at the Vital Statistics Office. Your birth certificate is one of the kinds of security instrument used by the Government to obtain loans from its creditor, under which it is bankrupt.
Most Western countries are under the rule of canon law and admiralty law
Another thing that most Westerners don’t understand is that most Western countries are under the rule of canon law and admiralty law, and thus these countries are controlled by the Vatican and certain secret societies, including but not limited to the Jesuits and the Illuminati. Many Eastern countries are also under the rule of canon law and admiralty law. For strong evidence of these claims, read my empowering article titled United States Political and Court System Exposed: How the NWO Enslaves Society.
Once you understand how the Western justice system truly works, you should know that for us human beings to truly free ourselves from the corporate federal government, we must understand how contract law, canon law, and admiralty law work, and replace them with common law and Natural Law (Spiritual Law). Natural Law is the most important law, because to achieve spiritual freedom we must understand it and live in harmony with it.
Contract law, canon law, and admiralty law are forms of “word magic” that were created by the Dark Magicians (the Controllers) to enslave humanity. These types of law are designed to trick us into giving our sovereignty away using contracts. Do you understand now why understanding how law works is essential for restoring our freedom and liberty? Understanding law is very empowering which is why they don’t teach you how law truly works in high school or college.
Contracts are like “magic spells” that are used by the Dark Magicians to take away our natural rights without infringing on our free will. A contract can be used for good or bad, but at its core, it is a way to place restrictions on our options and choices, reducing the power of our free will. Furthermore, a contract “supernaturally” binds us to its restrictions when we sign it. This is because when we sign a contract, we are consenting to the terms and conditions of the contract. Because contracts are used to bind you at the physical and spiritual levels, whenever you are given a contract to sign, you must always read it and understand it before signing it.
Help free Dean Clifford
The content in block quotation is extracted from It discusses about the illegal arrest of Dean Clifford. This brave human being needs to be freed as soon as possible, because according to, he was arrested without a warrant or charges in November 2013. Furthermore, his knowledge and wisdom are essential for freeing humanity from the Dark Forces. For more information on how to help free Dean Clifford, visit his website.
Brussels, October 10, 2014
The ITCCS Directorate today adopted Canadian common law activist Dean Clifford as an International Prisoner of Conscience and began campaigning for his immediate release from “barbaric police state conditions”. The ITCCS will be presenting a formal petition of Habeas Corpus to Canadian courts to secure his release.
Clifford was arrested without a warrant or charges in November, 2013 while giving a public talk on common law rights. Since then, he has been confined incommunicado in a Brandon, Manitoba prison, where he has been routinely denied the right to appear in court, file petitions or seek Habeas Corpus relief.
This week, a sheriff at the prison told Clifford’s wife,
“Dean will never get out of here”.
Clifford has been a prominent common law educator for years in Canada, challenging the arbitrary unlawfulness of Canadian law and the “crown” court system. He is also a supporter of the ITCCS and the common law court movement.
“Everything indicates that Dean Clifford is being deliberately targeted and persecuted by the Canadian government and made a public example of for his exposure of the illegality of the crown courts” said ITCCS North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett today.
“Simply for demanding the proof that he’s obligated under Natural Law to pay taxes or obey arbitrary statutes, Dean has been locked away without a fair trial for a year, family members are denied access to him, and his basic Habeas Corpus rights and due process have been thrown right out the window. None of us is safe if they can do this to one honest man. Dean’s persecution as a political prisoner is showing us why we need to stand down all crown authority and create a new nation here.”