
Pizzagate and Organ Theft From Children Are Connected

This is a shocking report and one must decide before reading whether, or not, they have the constitution for reading about the connection between child-sex-trafficking and organ harvesting.

According to the United Nations, organized crime controls child prostitution and organized crime controls “snatch and grab” organ harvesting. Both are crimes that involve bondage and despite the fact that organized crime is involved in both, there is scant evidence to connect the two industries together, except for what I will present at the end of this article.

I was more successful in getting people to talk about Benghazi than I am about these heinous crimes. Therefore, one of the purposes for this article is to shake the trees to see what falls out.

Witnesses Afraid to go Public


For months, I have spoken to police and forensic pathologists of various types about these crimes. I am convinced that when discoveries of organ harvesting are made, there is a concentrated effort to cover up the crime. As one CSI type told me, when we discover a dead body with missing organ(s), we know not to call attention to it. Further, I have searched high and low for evidence of organ harvesting within the United States. There is plenty of evidence about the practice in China and other foreign countries, but somehow this is kept out of the corporate-controlled media inside the United States. This reminds me of State Department employee, Monika Wesolowski, who made an off-hand reference to a Saudi who runs the graphics for the State Department brochures on child-sex-trafficking. Monika told me that she omits any reference in the brochures related to the practice inside of the United States in a hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, approach to the issue.

After speaking with two pathologists, I am convinced of the link between the two trafficking industries. I have quietly tried to pursue this connection since rumors about these interconnections surfaced in relation to the Clinton Foundation. As I was looking into the $2 billion stolen from the relief funds intended for Haiti by Bill and Hillary Clinton, people would tell me about the sex trafficking and organ harvesting that are going on with Haitian children. These connections began to appear in the anecdotal stories which surfaced. This is when I became suspicious.

Of all the people I have interviewed in this topic, the most revealing interview contained the following:

“People are amazingly ignorant to think that Pizzagate is limited to child-sex-trafficking. This is only one leg of the enterprise. Many of the Children are also “lent” to child-porn films. Many of these children die in sex films through a practice called snuff films. This is where the child is killed after perpetrator has reached gratification. Some of these children are also farmed out for hunting purposes and some of the human hunting goes on right inside the United States. There is a strong connection between sex-trafficking and organ harvesting. In the old days, the victimized kids would be forced to use drugs and then turned out into the streets when their services were no longer needed. Who would believe a drug addicted young adult in relation to their tales of being trafficked? (Author’s Note: This is precisely what Nick Bryant, the author of The Franklin Scandal told me). This practice grew into “recruiting” a number of these children to participate in snuff films. It has grown into forced organ harvesting when their sexual services are no longer needed”.

This was an off-the-record comment made to me by an ex-FBI agent who refuses to go public.

I have had two pathologists tell me that they have had young adult homicide victims who have organs removed and this was discovered in the course of an autopsy. They are not allowed to state the actual cause of death (i.e. removal of a liver), they will list things like “death due to blunt force trauma” and “death due to multiple knife wounds”). There is a complete media blackout on the topic of organ harvesting and the overlap with child prostitution.

The UN Actually Has Some Good People Who Care About Children


Because I was dealing with three people who would not go public with what they told me, I was forced to go another route in order to establish any possible link between the two practices.

The United Nations has looked at the topics, but only as separate entities. They have stated that organized crime is behind both enterprises.

The UNODC has tried to gain member states cooperation in establishing a world database on the subject of child prostitution. They have met with little cooperation.

“It is important to note that when the Trafficking In Persons Protocol was negotiated, Member States decided to keep the issue of prostitution within the domain of national competence – that is, as a question of national policy for the discretion of States…The strict policy line of UNODC is to remain neutral on the issue of prostitution.”

In other words, various nation-states were telling the UN to mind their own business. To me, this speaks of a cover up involving national governments at the highest level (e.g. Jimmy Saville and the Prince, George H. W. Bush and the Washington Times headline).

I was very discouraged because I could not get sources to on the record and it kept me from going public. Believe it or not the very best public documents on these two topic come from the UN. Then late last night after going through dozens of UN policy documents, it was smoking gun time. I am not sure how this document got through the censors, but in 2015, the UN published a document entitled:

Trafficking in Persons for the Purpose of Organ Removal

The document is published by the UNODC. On pages 16-17, the reader can find the following:

2.3. Trafficking in children for organ removal

As mentioned above, the Trafficking in Persons Protocol states that if the victim is a child, that is a person below the age of 18, consent is irrelevant regardless of whether any improper means (such as deception, force, abuse of a position of vulnerability) have been used. That means, trafficking in children for organ removal only requires that there is an act (recruitment, transport, transfer, harbouring or receipt of a child) for the purpose of exploitation through organ removal. The Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child 17 pornography (2000) to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), in article 3(1)(a)(i)(a.), requires States parties to prohibit, in the context of sale of children as defined in article 2, offering, delivering or accepting, by whatever means, a child for the purpose of transfer of organs of the child for profit.

I do not care for the UN, but I am appreciative to the authors of this report because they are riking their lives to bring us this information.


To the extent that child sex trafficking and child organ removal are linked, via the UNODC report, I fully admit that there is much more to learn. If I were a betting man, I would bet that this link, which will come out via the Pizzagate investigation. I also believe that this topic is the main motivation behind the opposition to President Trump’s desire to drain the swamp. Free trade agreements can be reinstated after Trump leaves office, but not if the purveyors are in prison. It is Red Alert time in the circles of the elite. Trump is surrounded by people who are participants in these unholy activities.

If I can find this link, so can the President. Many have noticed that Mrs. Trump seems to be less enthused to be the First Lady, than one might have expected. I have a suspicion that we might be reading her body language correctly, plus did you know that she has not hired her First lady staff yet. She obviously fears for her husband’s life. The forces behind victimizing children have killed prominent people in the past (e.g. Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer).

We need to pray for Donald Trump. More importantly, we need to pray for the children on this planet that are viewed as commodities by the ruling elite and their puppetmasters. May God have mercy on us all.

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