
How Can Proper Diet and Exercise Help With Obesity

Obesity is categorized as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30. Anything with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered to be over the normal weight. However, not all overweight people are considered obese. Obesity is caused by too much body fat whereas the weight of someone who has more muscle mass will also see them above their healthy weight threshold but still be healthy overall.

The health problems that are connected with obesity include heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, and stroke which can make it difficult for some obese people even to walk or go about daily tasks without much discomfort that may become acute pains requiring hospitalization. Because of this many obese persons opt for surgery to assist in shedding off the extra pounds (Bariatric Surgery). It is however considered to be a good practice to lose weight through diet and exercise before going for surgery to help with obesity.

According to Signalscv people also go for supplementing or prescription weight-loss substances. Those can also help in reducing your appetite and helping your weight loss journey.

Losing Weight


Losing weight solely by dietary changes is usually not enough. Exercise in combination with healthy eating habits often helps in getting rid of fat faster than just one single change. This lifestyle change should ideally last a lifetime to keep the pounds off once they have been shed off. A good example of this kind of change is the Mediterranean Diet which emphasizes fresh, local vegetables and fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds are eaten along with using olive oil as a source of fat instead of butter or cream-based sauces. The diet has been found to be associated with lower risks for heart disease, cancer, and metabolic syndrome.

Body Fat


Getting rid of excess body fat also has the added benefit of feeling happier in oneself since obesity is known to affect one’s emotions negatively leading to depression. With improved energy levels, sleep patterns are usually improved which together with a more positive mood can make one feel better about themselves. This in turn makes it easier for them to stay motivated towards their fitness goals. If you are ready to take up exercises or if you need some inspiration on what exercises you may be interested in following then here are some examples of good forms of exercise that can be used both before and after surgery resulting from obesity:

Although any physical activity is better than none if one is having trouble finding time to exercise then it would be best to pick the activities that will actually help you shed off those excess pounds. The ones that are most effective include swimming, jogging or running on a treadmill, cycling and training with weights. It is recommended that everyone should do some form of strength training at least two times per week to help strengthen muscles which can lead to increased metabolism rate assisting in weight loss. The gym or a personal trainer can give you more specific advice on how much weight to use when starting out.

While people who are obese should avoid lifting heavy weights, they can still do bodyweight training by using their own body as the resistance instead of weights. This is what is known as calisthenics and it is beneficial in increasing strength without putting pressure on the joints which may cause injury to already injured or weak joints. If one has recently undergone bariatric surgery then it is recommended that they wait 2-6 weeks before resuming strenuous exercises (e.g cardio like running). It would be best to let your doctor know if you plan on exercising during this time since they will advise you whether it’s safe for you or not; keep in mind that bariatric surgery is a major operation and proper rehabilitation and recovery is important for your health.

What to do when you reduce fat


Since it is important to stay active even after the weight has been shed off, there are certain activities that should not be done because they may lead to injury. These include:

  • Dancing with faster movements
  • Contact sports such as rugby or American football
  • Sports with very quick changes in direction such as squash or tennis

Good alternatives to these forms of exercise would include swimming, cycling, calisthenics, jogging/running on the treadmill and strength training with weights. A good approach before starting any kind of strenuous exercise would be to start out slowly by doing only a little bit more than you usually do and working your way up to your regular routine.

There are a number of benefits of working out including helping with weight loss, improved sleep patterns, and increased energy levels which can lead to better overall health. Having a proper diet along with engaging in some form of physical activity on a regular basis is important for shedding off excess body fat and preventing it from returning. Not only will you feel better about yourself but you will also have more energy making it easier to maintain a healthier lifestyle regardless of which activities work best for you!


Decreased hunger due to dietary modifications resulting from changing one’s diet into that suggested by the Mediterranean Diet was found to help people lose weight without having an exercise regiment as well as those who did both forms of treatment.

It is important for every obese person desiring to lose weight to make an appointment with their own doctor or cardiologist before choosing this lifestyle change so they will be aware of what forms of exercise are safe for them with regards to their own current medical conditions.

Obesity is a difficult problem to battle but if one is willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes then it can be achieved and maintained through diet and exercise with great benefits on their future health as well as their quality of life.

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