
Used Car Buying Inspection Checklist for Beginners

The vast majority of people, at least once in their lives, get into a situation to buy something second-hand. Most often, they are cars, but you often buy used furniture, tools, various types of preserved white goods, lawn mowers, construction materials from demolished houses or leftovers. Definitely, everything is on the market of used things today, from the smallest household necessities, to giant construction machines.

Still, cars are on the shopping list for used items. Although the offer is diverse and large, experience and a dose of caution are necessary. A mistake when buying a car that has a malfunction in the vital part or rotten bodywork, can cost the new owner dearly. It is clear that the beginner, in this type of trade, does not have the skill of negotiating or detecting defects, and noticing the true qualities of the offered vehicle. He can be impressed by the look, model, color, brand of the car, and he can also miss crucial moments, in terms of the actual condition of the goods offered.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider a few important and necessary items when it comes to second hand shopping and analyze them well. It is important that, if at all possible, you have the help of an experienced friend, a family member or, better yet, a car mechanic whose judgment and judgment you trust.

Here are some important and useful tips to keep in mind:

1. Define your need


You need to be clear with your needs and possibilities, both in life and with cars. Think about exactly what you need. Do you need a bigger, family car to transport a large family, pack a lot of luggage and drive around and out of town. Or do you need a smaller, functional car, for the city and easier parking? Don’t put yourself in a situation where your thoughts wander in a place that isn’t for it. Thus, the path to the wrong choice is almost inevitable. Consider regular fuel consumption in relation to the budget. Also, consider servicing and the price of spare parts, which will surely come next, of course decide what the final amount you would give for a second hand car. Do not allow yourself to succumb to unrealistic and exclusively manifest and attractive details when you find yourself in a place where you need to choose a car for yourself, and neglect your real needs.

2. Decision on the place and method of purchase

Here is another decision to think about and analyze what is for and what is against. There are several places where used cars are offered:

-On line comfortable access to a large number of offers, but risky until seen. To minimalize chance of running into problems, visit only reliable sites like

-From the owner – This type of purchase is cheaper and can be good if you come across a person who will openly say good and bad foreign cars. However, experience says that most will try to mask the flaws and highlight the virtues of the car. If you take someone experienced and professional, this can be a successful purchase.

-From a certified dealer – This method is very reliable, although you should be careful and cautious. Professional dealers are helpful and kind and happy to answer your questions, offer you a lot, but they are still just traders who want to sell Stay firm in your positions, examine every detail and be sure to look for the possibility of warranty.

3. Documentation:


-all documents concerning ownership

-evidence of regular registration, with regular certification

-book on the age of the car, the number of engine mileage, possible replacement of original parts.

4. Damage:

-record of damage and evidence of replacements and repairs

-possible damages from traffic accidents and their scope

-homogeneity of color on the entire body, including the floor, below mats, where there is usually evidence of painting and masking corrosion.

-any kind of painting, plastering, subsequent alterations, must be put for inspection.

5. Mileage:


-important proof of the total mileage your future car has covered. All types of interventions and illegal actions on mileage, can be checked.

– it is obligatory to pay attention to the “MOT certificate” and its compliance with data in the documentation.

6. Engine

-engine, as the heart of your car, must work properly, without noise and unusual sounds.

-be sure to check the oil filter, engine belt, catalytic converter and everything you need be available for inspection, and on the advice of an expert who will go with you.

7. Tires


-Although they are a consumable item, the tires should be in good condition when buying a car. Check their condition as well as type. Are they winter, summer or are adequate for all seasons.

8. General condition of the car

-this involves checking the electronics, steering wheel, central locks, all windows, including the roof, seat condition, seat belt… Of course it is not possible to notice everything and that in a second hand car there must be some damage, but it is important that it does not be vital in nature.

-check everything related to heating, cooling, ventilation, CD player, navigation.

– Be sure to sit in the car, with the owner, start it and drive, so you can best see the disadvantages and advantages.


Buying a second hand car depends on your ability to assess the condition of the car you like, then on the honesty and credibility of the seller, but also on the factor of happiness. We need to be aware of that. Sometimes, in addition to the best preparation, we are victims of experienced fraudsters, who will do everything to mask the damage and sell goods that they would not buy themselves. However, most sellers are normal people who will point out the shortcomings of the car, but also its qualities. One should believe in the good intentions of people and be aware that a second hand car is not new and cannot be perfect. If he serves you well, he may be your favorite so far and you will not want, for a long time, to replace him with someone else.

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