
A ‘Power-Down’ Took Place in the World Trade Center Just Days Before 9/11 Attacks

A highly unusual and out of the ordinary electrical system power-down took place in the World Trade Center’s South Tower just days before the attacks which occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, possibly allowing for the placement of explosives in the building.

A Senior Database Administrator named Scott Forbes worked in the South Tower at the time and has confirmed, on record, that there was, in fact, a power-down that occurred and was witnessed by many.

“There was a power-down in the South Tower on the weekend of the 8th and 9th of September. I worked on it. I was in the tower at the time so I know for a fact it occurred, along with many colleagues? he said.

WTC South Tower powered down for 36 hours just days before attack, security deactivated on floors 50 and up, many suspicious workers seen coming and going during blackout

Suspicious workers wearing coveralls, carrying toolboxes and spools of wire seen coming and going from tower

A data center worker by the name of Scott Forbes, who was employed in September of 2001 by Fiduciary Trust Company International, who’s data center was located on the 97th floor of the South Tower in the World Trade Center complex before it was destroyed on September 11th by “planes?, has come forth with bombshell information regarding strange events that Forbes himself witnessed take place in the days and weeks leading up to the attacks.

Forbes said during a radio interview that the company he was employed with at the time, Fiduciary Trust,? and a number of other companies in the tower? were notified just “three weeks in advance […] that there was going to be a power down,? which Forbes said was extremely unusual given the nature, scope, and magnitude of the financial agencies which occupied the tower at the time. In other words, the agencies were not given ample time to prepare for such a power down.

“The power down was on the Saturday and Sunday prior to 9/11, so that would have been the 8th and 9th of September,? Forbes said, who has never seen or heard of a similar occasion aside from the original bomb scare in 1993.

Forbes said the building was turned over by the New York Port Authority Saturday morning for the power down and was handed back over to the Port Authority some thirty hours later, leaving a massive security gap.

Forbes also said that he witnessed many people who looked like “engineers,? dressed in coveralls, carrying toolboxes and spools of wire who were coming and going during the blackout period.

Forbes said he was off work on Tuesday, the day of the attacks, and said that he witnessed the towers crumble into dust from his apartment in the distance, wondering if anything he had unknowingly done in the days prior while working in the South Tower had anything to do with the events of September 11th.

Additionally another former employee of Fiduciary Trust, named Gary Corbett, confirmed statements made by Forbes during a 2010 interview on the Reality Report. However, Corbett also pointed out that people who claimed to be part of “guided tours? were making their way into “secured areas? during the power down — areas of Fiduciary Trust that held gold and other valuables for JP Morgan. However, Corbett maintains the power down “started Friday night at the close of business before it was restored at about “4 o’clock Sunday afternoon differing slightly from Forbes’ story.

To boot, bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the complex on the Thursday, despite the fact that the complex had been on heightened alert for weeks prior to the attacks, under the orders of U.S. President George W. Bush’s younger brother Marvin Bush who headed up security operations for the WTC at the time.

In a 2003 investigative report titled “Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United, Margie Burns explains:

George W. Bush’s brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.

The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a “completion contract to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center “up to the day the buildings fell down.

It also had a three-year contract to maintain electronic security systems at Dulles Airport, according to a Dulles contracting official. Securacom/Stratesec also handled some security for United Airlines in the 1990s, according to McDaniel, but it had been completed before his arriving on the board in 1998.

McDaniel confirmed that the company has security contracts with the Department of Defense, including the U.S. Army, but did not detail the nature of the work, citing security concerns. It has an ongoing line with the General Services Administration – meaning that its bids for contracts are noncompetitive – and also did security work for the Los Alamos laboratory before 1998.

Marvin P. Bush, the president’s youngest brother, was a director at Stratesec from 1993 to fiscal year 2000. But the White House has not publicly disclosed Bush connections in any of its responses to 9/11, nor has it mentioned that another Bush-linked business had done security work for the facilities attacked.

Marvin Bush joined Securacom when it was capitalized by the Kuwait-American Corporation, a private investment firm in D.C. that was the security company’s major investor, sometimes holding a controlling interest. Marvin Bush has not responded to telephone calls and e-mails for comment.

KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War. One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec.

The managing director at KuwAm, Wirt D. Walker III, was also a principal at Stratesec, and Walker, Marvin Bush and al Sabah are listed in SEC filings as significant shareholders in both companies during that period.

Marvin Bush’s last year on the board at Stratesec coincided with his first year on the board of HCC Insurance, formerly Houston Casualty Co., one of the insurance carriers for the WTC. He left the HCC board in November 2002.

To this day the 9/11 Commission and the New York Port Authority deny the fact that the reported power down took place. The power down is likely one of the key elements being covered up by parties involved along with the actual disappearance of security tapes from the WTC complex.

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