
  • How Often Should You go to The Dentist For a Cleaning

    Brushing and flossing your teeth several times every day will definitely help you keep your smile nice and white, however, when it comes to your overall oral health, doing this might not be enough. Because of this, it’s quite important that you schedule a teeth cleaning procedure regularly. But, what does “regularly” mean? How often is often enough? Well, according…

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  • What Are The 8 Dimensions Of Wellness In Addiction Recovery?

    Are you recovering from an addiction? It can be difficult, but the key is not to lose hope! It will take time and immense determination, but with the right mindset and the right help, you will be able to overcome this recovery stage. Do you know if you have a goal in front of you, the journey becomes easier! But,…

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  • Why Does the 12-Step Program Still Work?

    The 12-step program has been around for 100 years or so. Not exactly 100 years but it was created in the year 1939 by Alcoholic Anonymous. This first started out in the form of a book which showcases that the 12-steps were for alcohol addiction. But like all things, the 12-step program also started to evolve with the times. Then…

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  • How to Know if You’re Brushing Your Teeth Correctly

    There is definitely more than one way to brush your teeth, and the fact is that everyone has their own technique that they use and that remains fairly consistent throughout their lives. However, it is important that, if you are already brushing your teeth, you do it correctly, in order to provide maximum benefits to your teeth and protect them…

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  • 10 Benefits Of Seeing An Orthopedic Doctor

    Have you been suffering from chronic pain, but your regular doctor has been unable to find the cause? It could be that you need to see an orthopedic specialist. Orthopedic doctors, also known as musculoskeletal physicians, specialize in conditions and diseases of the bones and muscles. They treat pain in the arms, shoulders, legs, and other areas caused by several…

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  • 7 Ways to Take Back Control of Your Life as a Physician

    The life of a physician is hectic, to say the least. Especially in the last couple of years with COVID running amuck, physicians are feeling a lot of pressure. In fact, according to Becker’s Hospital Review, 61% of physicians reported burnout this year. If you’re feeling this lack of control in your life as a physician, there are things that…

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  • Lactose Intolerance in Babies: What Formula to Choose

    In babies in the first months of life, lactose intolerance is more often temporary against the background of the immature gastrointestinal tract after an intestinal infection, allergies, and other causes. Congenital lactase deficiency is rare, occurring in 5-6% of cases. If parents see that a baby has signs of lactase deficiency, the first thing to do is visit a pediatrician.…

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  • 7 Ways Family Members Can Help In Addiction Recovery Treatments

    Successful Addiction Recovery Rarely Happens Without The Help Of Loved Ones! If someone in your family is suffering from addiction, he or she will need you and other family members to be involved in every stage of the addiction recovery and rehab process. Drugs and substance use can affect the family at the same level as the person suffering from…

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  • Mesothelioma Causes, Treatment, and Legal Steps

    Mesothelioma is a malignant disease that can be fatal. It is a type of cancer formed in the protective membrane covering your vital organs like the heart, lungs, abdominal cavity, and pelvic region. Its major triggering factor is asbestos, i.e., a naturally occurring fiber, widely used in the early 1940s to 1970s until its usage was restricted. However, it is…

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  • Marijuana Withdrawal and Medical Detox: A Guidebook for Effective Treatment

    Quitting Marijuana is entirely possible! If you are someone who is struggling with marijuana addiction and even after trying so many times, you were not able to quit, there is still hope left. Marijuana addiction is not as deep-rooted as other controlled substances like cocaine and nicotine. This single fact is more than enough to fill you with confidence into…

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